Richard Feynman - The Pleasure of Finding Things Out
Et klassisk intervju med en av det 20. århundrets største vitenskapsmenn og personligheter. Enjoy!
Et klassisk intervju med en av det 20. århundrets største vitenskapsmenn og personligheter. Enjoy!
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Bjarte Foshaug
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Etiketter: fysikk | Richard Feynman | vitenskap
Keep checking this space for the National Center for Science Education's official response to the Ben Stein movie Expelled; for now, we hope you will find this collection of resources helpful.
Dette er en ganske flau sak for kreasjonistene.
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Etiketter: kreasjonisme | skepsis
King Diamond - Fatal Portrait
Roadrunner Records, 1986
Etter at Mercyful Fate splittet opp på grunn av uenigheter mellom Hank Shermann og King Diamond gikk de i hver sin retning og dannet nye band. Hank Shermann dannet det langt mer kommersielle og melodiøse bandet Fate mens King Diamond fortsatte Mercyful Fate under sitt eget navn.
Fatal Portrait har et langt større fokus på King Diamond sin falsettvokal enn de gamle Mercyful Fate albumene. Vokalen er mindre dynamisk og det er falsett hele veien, så dette albumet er en smule svakere enn Mercyful Fate og senere King Diamond album på akkurat dette området. Men så er jo King Diamond kjent for sin falsett vokal så dette er på ingen måte noe som ødelegger for noe som helst.
Riffene er så klart av samme type som Mercyful Fate, men ikke like gode uten Hank Shermann. Men de holder uansett mål og passer godt inn på dette albumet.
Den satanistiske lyrikken og stemningen er byttet ut med horror litratur. Musikken er ikke lengre første bølge black metal, men mørk heavy metal. Fatal Portrait er ikke et konseptalbum slik de senere King Diamond og låtene strekker seg ut over flere spøkelse relaterte temaer.
Dette albumet er ikke like bra som Mercyful Fate eller senere King Diamond, men det er uansett em klassiker som absolutt er verd å skaffe seg. Liker du det du har hørt av King Diamond relatert musikk kommer du til å like dette albumet.
Rigid Horns er et finsk atmosfærisk black metal band som har gitt ut to demoer. De har lagt ut en låt som er utrolig episk til å bare være 6 minutter lang på deres Myspace.
Nå over til metal musikkvideoer.
Lost at Last - Hey You
Dokken - Breaking the Chains
Stolen Babies - Push Button
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Etiketter: metal søndag
The more you know the less you care -- at least that seems to be the case with global warming. A telephone survey of 1,093 Americans by two Texas A&M University political scientists and a former colleague indicates that trend, as explained in their recent article in the peer-reviewed journal Risk Analysis.
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Etiketter: miljø og miljøvern
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Etiketter: humor | Richard Dawkins | video
En fin artikkel om grusomhetene i bibelen og hvorfor den ikke akkurat er den beste boken å hente moralsk inspirasjon i fra.
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Etiketter: bibel | Krig/folkemord/tortur
Can you tell the difference between a 320kbps and a 128kbps MP3?Jeg klarte det, men jeg skulle gjerne visst det totale utfallet av testen.
Dagbladet skriver at Satelittbilder viser en gigantisk ishylle på 415 kvadratkilometer som brekker av kanten i den vestre delen av det sørlige polarområdet kalt «Wilkins».
Fæle greier og at biten er syv ganger større enn Mannhatten gir ett perspektiv på hvilke enorme størrelser det er snakk om her. Men så kom jeg på at jeg nylig hadde postet om noe mye verre. Jeg er ikke helt sikker på hvor stort areal isen utgjør på nordpolen men jeg fant ett tall som sier at det faktisk er hele 4.12 millioner kvadrakilometer med is på nordpolen. Ja jeg vet at jeg nå er på andre siden av kloden men vi snakker om is som blir borte, ikke sant?
Men altså, danske forskere hevdet i februar at 25 prosent av isen på nordpolen har blitt borte på ett år og det skulle da utgjøre 1 million kvadratkilometer mot usle 415 kvadratkilometer i sør. Jeg kan bare ikke fatte hvorfor den saken fikk så lite mediaomtale når en hel million kvadratkilometer har blitt BORTE, men når en ussel halv promille av det som forsvant i nord løsriver seg, ja da er det stor stå hei.
Vg sier det er gigantisk
Vg på sin side kaller isflaket for gigantisk og skriver videre at dette ikke skjer så ofte, som fikk meg til tenke på hvor enormt det var da Larsen ice shelf brøt seg løs i 2002 og målte hele 3250 km2, åtte ganger større enn Wilkins biten som Vg og Dagbladet skriver om. Den gangen ble isflaket sammenlignet i størrelse med Jamaica. Men dette er fortsatt bare småtterier siden Larsen-flaket bare er tre promille av all isen som forsvant på nordpolen i 2007.
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Etiketter: miljø og miljøvern | skepsis
A German website,, has conducted a study of 100 different products by comparing the look of the products as shown by the packaging with the actual contents inside the boxes. Quoting the website, which is in German: “All products were purchased, the packaging photographed and the contents prepared and photographed too. All products were then eaten up.” and also: “The purpose of the project is not to discredit any brands or products but to critically compare the packaging advertising with the inside contents”.
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Etiketter: juks og bedrageri
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Etiketter: dokumentar | hekser og hekseri | okkult | Paranormal | video
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Etiketter: kreasjonisme | protestantisk/evangelistisk kristendom | pseudovitenskap | video
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Etiketter: bibel | humor | protestantisk/evangelistisk kristendom | video
Americans approach discussions of race with all the enthusiasm and unguarded honesty teenagers bring to parental talks about ejaculation. In other words, we hate talking about race, especially in mixed company. We share the certainty that no matter what we might say, someone out there is cringing at what we are saying. Confronted with tapes of his Reverend Jeremiah Wright saying things that sounded to white people like evilness, Barack Obama boldly shoved 250 years of racial resentment to the center of public discourse. Meanwhile, America's nemesis overseas, Osama Bin Laden, released his most annoying and petulant manifesto yet, attacking two pillars of modern Western society: the Pope and the editorial cartoonist. Finally, a new addition to Profiles in Scourging we like to call J'accuse! where we point the finger at the most under-castigated shithead in recent days.
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Etiketter: humor | islam | protestantisk/evangelistisk kristendom | religion | Zack Parsons
Alle vet det snart kommer en film som heter Expelled som PZ nylig ble nektet adgang til selv om han er med i filmen. Filmen er sikkert ikke god og jeg ser at det allerede dukker opp fantastiske forventninger til filmen fra kreasjonistenes side. Jeg fant en kreasjonists betraktninger om filmen.
It turns out some of the most hardened, doctrinaire anti-design zealots in the scientific establishment – people like Richard Dawkins, author of "The God Delusion" and, coincidentally, the de facto leader of the worldwide atheist movement – aren't really opposed to the notion of design at all. They just can't accept God as the designer.
You will hear some of the world's most celebrated evolutionists admit design is possible – just not by the hand of God.
They will attribute the possibility of design to visitors from other planets and even to crystals. The two things they cannot tolerate are consideration of God's role and any of their colleagues deviating from their own ideas about origins.
It's not so much the architects of evolution are opposed to religion. It's that they have formed their own religion – absent the God of Christianity and Judaism.
The evolutionists insist the dinosaurs lived millions and millions of years ago and became extinct long before man walked the planet.
I don't believe that for a minute. I don't believe there is a shred of scientific evidence to suggest it. I am 100 percent certain man and dinosaurs walked the earth at the same time. In fact, I'm not at all sure dinosaurs are even extinct!
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Etiketter: kreasjonisme | protestantisk/evangelistisk kristendom | pseudovitenskap | skepsis
Down - III - Over the Under
ILG/Warner Music Group, 2007
De av dere som faktisk gidder å lese Metal Søndag husker kanskje at jeg skrev om de to første Down albumene i en og samme utgave. Og noen av dere husker kanskje også at jeg nevnte at det kom til å bli en oppfølger.
Her er den. Den kom ut i september i fjor og det var omtrent da jeg kjøpte den, og alt jeg kan si er at den er en verdig oppfølger. Har du hørt de to første Down albumene vet du hva du kan forvente og det er alkoholisert tung og groovy sørstats metal. Dette albumet har alt det fans av groovy doom, sludge og stoner metal kan ønske seg.
Den groovy bluesinspirerte riffingen er på plass og samme er den aggressive og melankolske vokalen til Phil Anselmo. Det er ikke sekunds tvil at det Down man hører på, men samtidig er det friskt og nytt nok til dette albumet rettferdiggjør sin egen eksistens.
Fra det øyeblikket man setter på dette albumet kjenner man håpløsheten og desperasjonen fra underklassen i USAs sørstater. Pessimisme er stikkordet i mye av lyrikken.
Albumene til Down gir deg følelsen av Louisiana på sitt styggeste og laveste, og dette albumet ble laget etter alle de gamle sårene som åpnet seg på nytt i New Orleans under orkanen Katrina. Mye av depresjonen også fra drapet på Dimebag Darrell som var en nær venn av mange i bandet.
Likte du de to første Down albumene er sjansene store for at du også kommer til å like dette.
Severed Crotch er et teknisk death metal band fra Island som har gitt ut to demoer. Du kan høre dem på deres Myspace.
Nå over til metal musikkvideoer.
Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun
Dio - Rainbow in the Dark
XXX Maniak - Tuan Tran: Murderer/Rapist?
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Etiketter: metal søndag
Sharon is leading a group of tourists who believe the Apocalypse is due in a few years. Her customers are going to Israel to take a last look at the valley of Armageddon before it is awash with the blood of unbelievers. They will be baptized and will spend a day helping out at an Israeli military base. As the passengers relate their beliefs, some of which seem to have come straight out of science fiction, they clamour to rescue the film makers' souls.
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Etiketter: bibel | Dommedagsbevegelser | protestantisk/evangelistisk kristendom | religion | video
Skikkelig bra innlegg av Dagens Ateist. De siste tre avsnittene likte jeg aller best. Det ender likevel opp med ett stort spørsmål for min del, burde det ikke egentlig vært flere kvinnelige skeptikere enn mannlige?
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Etiketter: hekser og hekseri | Paranormal | skepsis
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Etiketter: astronomi/kosmologi | biologi/evolusjon | Carl Sagan | kjemi | video | vitenskap
A Breatharian is a person who is in alignment with the philosophy of Breatharianism. Whether a Breatharian eats solid food or not is a choice, not a demand.-- YEAH RIGHT!! |
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Etiketter: dokumentar | Paranormal | skepsis | video | vitenskap
Hail and greetings to you! I am honored to make your esteemed acquaintances. I am Xorgus P. Wullshik, Imperator at large, ferryman of fetching freight, and purveyor of pulchritudinous paraphernalia.
You will have no doubt by this point and at this occasion detected that my ship is fully unarmed and equipped only with a small quantum engine which my simple species utilizes to transport our vessels across space. I entreat you not to greet my feeble vessel unkindly. I have no doubt a race as advanced and wise as yours possesses weapons that might be employed to bring about the destruction of my craft in seconds.
Oh, it is not battle you seek, but commerce. This is a language I am fluent in, I assure you! Allow me to presume the role of interlocutor for a moment and implore upon your patience to unfurl your list of demands.
Logs? Work logs you say? Something so uncommonly requested I have not seen in many years. Yet it just so happens I have had affairs with a certain Xorgus P. Wullshik who might have just what you are looking for! Oh, well why of course, I am referring to myself and I did not even realize! I have the work logs you desire, although I fear the word "work" does not begin to describe the abject poverty I have endured since I began selling my wares in the Delta Quadrant.
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Etiketter: humor | Science Fiction | Zack Parsons
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Etiketter: Ateisme/Naturalisme | religion | video
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Etiketter: James Randi | Paranormal | skepsis | video
Antall Heterofile som blir diskriminert av homofile: -
Antall homofile som blir diskriminert av homofobe: 50 000
Kan det virkelig stemme?
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I kenya slåss de med pil og bue, bilder finner du her. Rart at ingen bruker skjold og at det ikke finnes ett eneste gevær tilgjengelig.
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Etiketter: Krig/folkemord/tortur
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Etiketter: biologi/evolusjon | dokumentar | Richard Dawkins | video | vitenskap
Ars Ethica byttet ut homofil med downs syndrom i en tekst for noen dager siden. Det er ikke så lett å gjøre det samme i Marte Michelet sin kommentar men jeg har mang en gang lurt på hvordan jeg hadde oppfattet en del kritiske tekster av islam hvis man hadde byttet ut islam med andre ord som f.eks jødedom eller sigøynere, mørkhudede e.l. Hva om man i en kritikk (denne her f.eks) av byggingen av en ny moske byttet ut ordet moske med synagoge eller kirke? Jeg tror mange med meg hadde følt seg utilpass.
Kritikk? For all del.
En smule moderasjon? Absolutt!
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Etiketter: arkeologi/historie | Ateisme/Naturalisme | dokumentar | video
Hvis du går her og trykker på play så kan en se alle videoene i sammenheng, ca 40 min. Dette er ganske tragisk, bare så det er sagt.
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Etiketter: bibel | kreasjonisme | protestantisk/evangelistisk kristendom | religion | video
En klassiker! Den blir fjernet med jevne mellomrom så benytt anledningen allerede idag!
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Etiketter: biologi/evolusjon | dokumentar | Richard Dawkins | skepsis | video | vitenskap
Deep Purple - Fireball
Warner Bros., 1971
Etter å ha gitt ut et av musikkhistoriens første og viktigste metal album gjekket Deep Purple seg ned et lite hakk med Fireball. Musikken er fortsatt tung, men ikke akkurat metal. Åpnings og tittelsporet Fireball kan sees på som en prototype for speed metal. Riffene og trommingen er absolutt metal og den låten som er mest metal på albumet. Det er ingen tvil om at metal gudene Judas Priest må ha fått mye inspirasjon ut fra denne låten alene.
Resten av albumet er ikke særlig metal selv om det er riff her og der man kan finne i tidlig heavy metal. Man kan høre en del prog rock elementer på dette albumet, men det er ikke akkurat noe som skiller seg ut fra de andre Deep Purple albumene. Dette er i bunn og grunn et rockealbum som ligger i mellom to veldig solide metal album i Deep Purple sin diskografi.
Dette betyr ikke at dette er et album du burde hoppe over av den grunn. Dette er veldig god rock og det er mange gode riff gjennom hele albumet.
Som i mange andre nyere utgivelser av Deep Purple album følger det med bonusspor med alternative opptak og låter fra singler og EP-er. Et bonusspor du kommer til å finne på CD utgaven av dette albumet er Strange Kind of Woman som er fra singelen med samme navn (på noen utgaver er denne låten en del av den vanlige track listen). Denne låten er ikke metal, men gitarsoloen er fantastisk.
Som sagt er dette ikke et av deres metal album, men det er ingen grunn til å hoppe over dette albumet hvis du liker god musikk.
Impaled Northern Moonforest
Assaulter er et australsk black thrash band som har gitt ut to demoer. Liker du god musikk anbefaler jeg deg å sjekke ut deres Myspace.
Nå over til metal musikkvideoer.
Obituary - Turned Inside Out
Dette er hvordan en mosh pit skal være.
Blessed Death - 10,000 Days Of Bloodshed
Symphony X - King Of Terrors
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Etiketter: metal søndag
Når mennesket tukler med skaperordningen, da åpner vi for destruktive krefter. Da vil det skje en ytterliggere forsøpling og forvitring av verdigrunnlaget i vårt land.Det står altså dårlig til med nasjonen. Jeg visste faktisk ikke det, trodde det meste var ganske ok jeg.
Norge bør bygge på sitt historiske bibelske fundament, nemlig Bibelens ord. "Den evangelisk lutherske religion" som det heter i Grunnloven.
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Etiketter: bibel | protestantisk/evangelistisk kristendom
Som jeg har nevnt i kommentarene her så har jeg en motvilje til å godta reusltatene av spørreundersøkelser. Her er ett eksempel hvor jeg synes kommentaren i fra Andreas er ett godt poeng. Jeg har jo egentlig lyst til å kunne godta resultatene i fra en spørreundersøkelse men jeg mener at metodene som benyttes da må bli mer troverdige. Jeg har faktisk klart å snekre sammen ett eksempel som forhåpentligvis kan vise hvor jeg ser problemer.
Hvis en avis spør hundre kvinner på gaten om de er redde for å bli utsatt for vold når de går på byen en lørdagskveld så kan vi sikkert få ett skikkelig sjokk-resultat. kanskje 60 prosent vil svare ja. Rydd plass på forsiden, kvinner våger ikke å gå ut lenger!
Men hvis vi spør hundre kvinner om å nevne ti av de tingene som de er mest redde for skal skje dem, hva da?
Jeg tipper på at svarene kan bli som dette:
1. Sykdom
3. Rotter i huset
4. Flatt hjul på bilen
5. Utroskap
6. Verdinedgang på boligen
7. Arbeidsledighet
8. Kviser
9. Streik på sjokoladefabrikken
10. Noe vannvittig opplagt som jeg naturligvis ikke kom på i farten.
Fortsatt er ikke denne metoden optimal da for eksempel skambelagte redsler kan bli utelatt, vi vet heller ikke i hvor stor grad de er bekymret og de kan naturligvis også glemme å ta med ting som bekymrer dem.
Men poenget mitt er at den første metoden tigger etter et svar og den som blir spurt vil også være tjent med å svare ja for man kan jo aldri føle seg for trygg på byen. Den andre metoden igjen krever at den som blir spurt selv må bestemme hva de er engstelige for og da er det ikke sikkert at frykten for å gå ut vil bli nevnt engang.
Men jeg ser jo hvilken metode som kan gi de største overskriftene, og det betyr sikkert noe.
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47 prosent av norske menn avviser helt at ”Gud eller noen annen guddommelig skaperkraft” står bak livet på jorda. 36 prosent av kvinnene mener det samme. Det viser en undersøkelse som offentliggjøres på NRK1 i kveld.
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Etiketter: religion
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Etiketter: bibel | protestantisk/evangelistisk kristendom | religion | video
Kinesernes nyvunne frihet handler først og fremst om friheten til å tjene penger og bli rik. Mange millioner mennesker mangler fortsatt friheten til å holde kjæresten i hånda på gata.
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Etiketter: Krig/folkemord/tortur
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Etiketter: biologi/evolusjon | video
There used to be an old saying about the Internet: "I signed up to complain about Star Trek, but I stayed for the free pornography." Well, the show has since been cancelled, but with a new movie coming just next year that's supposed to be appealing to Trekkies AND normal people alike, it's time to begin living up to your obligations as an Internet person. Read this Star Trek refresher, then go look at some porn.
In the 23rd century, the Federation is run by Earth and has no money, conflicts, TV, games, alcohol, wild parties, or fun of any kind. Aboard ships, people do nothing but read books, do more work, and sleep in their spare time, and on land, nothing constructive happens. Relationships and marriages all end tragically, rape gangs are abundant, nobody ever takes showers, and our generation is looked back on with contempt. This was Gene Roddenberry's perfect utopia.
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Etiketter: humor | Science Fiction
Humor-magasinet Norge i dag dropper en bombe og hevder at ein ateist har konvertert. Det er naturligvis Antony Flew vi snakker om. Dette er visst en fjær i hatten for de kristne til tross for at Flew ikke har noen fine ord til overs for de kristnes gud.
Han sier om gud:
I'm thinking of a God very different from the God of the Christian and far and away from the God of Islam, because both are depicted as omnipotent Oriental despots, cosmic Saddam Husseins.
Indeed, Flew openly confessed to Oppenheimer that he didn't write a word of it.
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Etiketter: Ateisme/Naturalisme | juks og bedrageri | protestantisk/evangelistisk kristendom | skepsis
- Jeg er sterk i troen uansett, men nå kan jeg også bevise for andre at det som står i Bibelen er sant, sier Harald Bærby. Et av bevisene han snakker om er en bit av det han mener er Noas ark.Link
Han viser fram en steinlignende gjenstand, som han forteller er en bit forsteinet laminert tre fra arken.
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Etiketter: bibel | kreasjonisme | Pseudohistorie | skepsis
Some foolproof methods to irritate your favorite atheist. Just be careful how you use them, or you may start wondering why the atheist is strangling you.
1) Ask them why they are bitter against God.
2) Tell them that if there's no God, they might as well go out and kill people.
3) Ask them to pray with you.
4) Invite their children to go to church with you.
5) Insist that there is a God, and show them where in the Bible it says so. 6) Hide Chick tracts in clever places around their office.
7) Tell them that the universe is too complex to "just exist," and must have been created by a God who "just exists."
8) Make up statistics.
9) End a discussion with "Well, I know you're smarter than I am, but I know I'm right."
10) Accuse them of persecuting you.
11) Bring up arguments that make no sense whatsoever; criticze their response with "You're just not making sense."
12) Use multiple versions of Pascal's Wager as though you thought them up yourself.
13) Use the Second Law of Thermodynamics to disprove evolution.
14) Post inane arguments on the Internet, and never follow up on them.
15) Say that seperation of church and state isn't in the Constitution; insist that the Constitution is based on the Ten Commandments.
16) Cite Kent Hovind as a legitimate source of information.
17) ...and call him "Dr. Hovind."
18) Tell them they know in their hearts that God exists.
19) Point out that we all take things on faith.
20) Before starting an argument, say "You're an atheist? That means you're going to hell!"
21) After losing the argument say, "I pity you."
22) Accuse them of willfully ignoring the "obvious truth."
23) Use bad math to back up your claims.
24) Drink the last beer in the fridge.
25) ...and buy natural light to replace it.
26) Witness for Jesus, and completely ignore anything your competition says.
27) Call him a meanie.
28) Tell him you don't care what you say or prove, you will still have your faith.
29) When given a Bible verse that looks bad, tell him that's what the verse says, but that's not what it means.
30) Argue that the Bible stories are not myths . . . they're parables. And they're all true!
31) Lead off your criticism of the Big Bang theory with the disclaimer that you're not a physicist like he is.
32) Lead off your suggestions for ways to prove that Noah's Flood occured with the disclaimer that you're not a geologist like he is.
33) Overwhelm him with your knowledge of science, using examples: "And because of entropy you have to press the nozzle on the spray can. The nozzle is entropy."
34) Use Latin a lot.
35) Maintain that the King James Version is THE Bible; ignore questions as to who was saved prior to 1611.
36) Tell him that Moses wrote the Books of Moses.
37) Explain that the lack of proof doesn't mean it didn't happen.
38) ...and give him a blank look when he says that all people tried for a crime would go to jail.
39) Blame absolutely everything wrong in society on evolution.
40) Repeat something over and over, as if that made it true.
41) Repeat something over and over, as if that made it true.
42) Repeat something over and over, as if that made it true.
43) Tell him that he acknowledges Christ every time he uses "A.D." -- which, of course, stands for "After Death."
44) Accuse him of being an agnostic, since he isn't 100% positive that God does not exist.
45) Insist that the Bible is meant to be taken literally -- all except that verse he just showed you.
46) Tell him that God works in mysterious ways.
47) ...and we're too small to comprehend his reasoning.
48) ...and we shouldn't think of him as "how he should be."
49) Point out that the fact that he talks about God so much proves God's existence.
50) Tell him you know God exists because Mount Everest exists.
51) If a plane crashes killing 300 passengers and crew, but one little girl survives with only third-degree burns, tell him that this miracle proves the existence of God.
52) Insist that Noah's Ark and the Shroud of Turin are real.
53) ...and tell him about the special on FOX where you saw it.
54) When he shows you a verse about genocide, ask him how he dares to question the morality of God.
55) Punch him in the face. Hard.
56) When asked to prove a statement you made, say that you already proved it.
57) Tell him that we all fall short of God's grace.
58) Insist that faith is the only logical answer.
59) No matter what he quotes from the Bible, say that it's out of context.
60) ...and when he points out that the quotes are in correct context, tell him you need to be a Christian to understand the true meaning of the Bible.
61) Tell him you must study the Bible for many years to reject Christianity.
62) ...and when he points out that you reject Islam despite never having studied the Qu'ran, say that you have faith, and faith is all you need.
63) Ask him how he knows God isn't real if he can't see the air.
64) Sigh, shake your head, and say "I just know that someday you'll need Jesus."
65) Talk about how you used to be a miserable, sinning, drug-abusing, alcoholic, sex-addicted, spouse-beating criminal until you found God.
66) Change your handle every couple weeks.
67) Knock on his door at 9:00 in the morning and offer him a pamphlet.
68) Tell him that God loves him, even if he doesn't love himself.
69) Admonish him to have sex for reproductive purposes only.
70) Tell him about Christ's plan for salvation for the billionth time.
71) Refuse to debate.
72) Name a bunch of smart Christian people.
73) ...and when he names a bunch of smart atheist people, call him stupid.
74) Attribute every apparent error in the Bible to mistranslation.
75) ...and then pull up a mistranslation from Isaiah to prove that Jesus fulfilled prophecy.
76) Burn him at the stake.
77) When shown that the Bible says that Pi=3, say that the Hebrews didn't know anything about science, so it's not their fault.
78) When shown the creation account in Genesis, insist that the Hebrews had all kinds of scientific savvy, being inspired by God.
79) Lead him on until the very last moment, then tell him no . . . not until you're married.
80) Insist that a person who makes Christianity look bad was not a True Christian.
81) Claim intellectual superiority on the grounds that only smart people read the Bible.
82) Smile smugly and tell him that there are no atheists in foxholes.
83) Quote Psalm 14:1 to him.
84) ...and then tell him that you think highly of him, and want to be his friend.
85) Give him the special gift of his very own "paraphrased" modern Bible.
86) Speak to him with a fake Austrailian accent.
87) Cite my Formatted Theology page as a collection of successful proofs for God's existence.
88) Threaten to kill yourself if he doesn't believe.
89) Equivocate scientific faith with religious faith, and conclude that, metaphysically, you are both in the same boat.
90) Claim that archaeology is proof of the Bible's truth.
91) Misconstrue logical terms in order to prove that logic does not work.
92) Claim that logic is the atheist's god.
93) Claim that atheism is not only a belief -- it's a knowledge claim.
94) Support your ludicrous contentions with "Most scholars agree that..."
95) Use only circular reasoning.
96) Claim that the atheist only uses circular reasoning.
97) Claim that circular reasoning is legitimate due to circular reasoning being legitimate.
98) Use the phrase "Hate the sin, love the sinner" as a blanket response to the notion that Christianity is at fault for something.
99) State that Christianity has done a lot of good along with all the mass murder.
100) When asked to explain a theological concept, compare it to something simple, like "water," and then misunderstand that you have incorrectly labeled the constructs of your analogy, then dismiss the whole thing with, "You've just got to have faith."
101) Upon hearing that he is an atheist, jump back reflexively, as if you don't want to catch whatever it is he's got.
102) ...then look at him as if he were a diseased leper who just spit in your eye.
103) End all your posts with John 3:16.
104) ...or "God Bless."
105) When he takes the time and trouble to explain where your analogy or interpretation is at fault, begin your response with a sigh, so he'll know how patient you're being.
106) Open a minor-league baseball game with the national anthem, followed by a gospel quartet singing a hymn, and solemn prayer. (True story!)
107) Open and close a martial arts class with obligatory prayer, including the spectators. (Another true story!)
108) Claim that God chooses who is going to heaven and humans have nothing to do with his decision, but he's going to hell because he sinned.
109) State that whatever he says is not worthy of consideration, because the Bible says atheists can't discern what's true anyway.
110) Offer inane apologetics books in the hopes that he hasn't heard the arguments in them a thousand times already.
111) Patiently explain that the 42 children that were torn to bits by two bears sent by God were not really children, but spawn of Satan.
112) When asked if they would sacrifice their own child for God, respond with "God would never ask me to do that."
113) Carefully explain that Lot's daughters were never in danger of gang rape, and that Lot knew this all along.
114) Most carefully of all, explain that while all of the Bible is inerrant, Revelation does not literally mean what it says.
115) Tell him that God answers all prayers -- sometimes the answer is no.
116) Tell him that Christians aren't perfect -- just forgiven.
117) Tell him that he can't love anyone -- that's why he can't love God.
118) Offer to drive, then insist on listening to Christian Talk Radio.
119) ...and laugh when you hear "This condom-nation will face condemnation."
120) Claim that Einstein was a Christian.
121) Claim that Darwin recanted evolution on his deathbed.
122) Tell him that he'll come around just like your daughter did . . . when she got confirmed just so that she could get married in a big church.
123) Vehemently claim that the theory of evolution is incompatible with theism, then turn around and blame the theory for promoting atheism.
124) Say that evolution is not proven -- therefore the Bible is correct.
125) Tell him it's his responsibility to prove that God doesn't exist.
126) Invite him to a church social function, and show up late.
127) ...because you were with his wife.
128) Deny that his child looks like him.
129) Ask what he believes in, if not God.
130) ...then tell him that nonbelief is also a worldview, therefore there is no such thing as an atheist and Christianity is true.
131) Explain that Buddha's last words were "Jesus, forgive me."
132) ...and tell him that you were "saved" when you heard that story.
133) ...and when he explains that Buddha died 500 years before Jesus was born, give him a blank look.
134) Say that God can't reveal himself with any real proof, because that would remove the need for faith.
135) When something awful happens, tell him not to blame God -- he doesn't interfere.
136) When something wonderful happens, tell him to credit God -- he made it happen.
137) Tell him not to ask what happens to those who have never heard of Jesus . . . HE has, and what is HE going to do about it?
138) Explain that it doesn't matter whether or not he thinks he's sinned -- all humans were imbued with original sin at the moment of their birth.
139) ...then tell him that babies automatically go to heaven.
140) ...and mentally retarded people.
141) ...and those with Down's Syndrome.
142) Treat nothing he says as credible, because he is possessed by Satan.
143) Show that the Bible must be true because when you take the original Hebrew letters, spread them out and twist them around, you can spell words.
144) ...and when he points out that that will work with literally any work in any alphabet, accuse him of closed-mindedness and blasphemy.
145) Spell it "athiest."
146) Spell it "evilution."
147) Tell him that the Bible is true because the Bible says it is.
148) Tell him that Hitler was an atheist.
149) ...and all atheists are therefore Nazis.
150) Tell him that he's playing right into Satan's hands, because Satan's greatest ploy is convincing people that God doesn't exist.
151) Use the word "atheist" as a verb.
152) After your argument has been effectively refuted, wait a few days and then repeapt the argument, adding, "You still haven't addressed this."
153) Make up your own language, and claim that his inability to understand is due to his atheism.
154) Claim that Jesus is the God based on the Old Testament, then turn around and say that the Old Testament has nothing to do with the New Covenant.
155) Use the word "presupposition" incorrectly, repeatedly.
156) Argue the most insignificant point you can think of; when he doesn't address your pettiness, claim victory.
157) Constantly attempt to equate atheism with theism.
158) Argue that the translation "errors" in the KJV were actually God-inspired improvements, and therefore the KJV is the most accurate of all trnslations.
159) Say that God believes in him, whether or not he believes in God.
160) Call the Branch Davidians a "cult," but insist that your particular faction is a "religion."
161) ...and argue that a practical distinction actually exists.
162) State with a straight face, "Yes, I believe that an invisible fairy god king magically blinked us all into existence in order to punish us for our salvation and that we must all humble ourselves and eat his flesh and drink his blood," and then claim your belief is perfectly rational and supperior to the atheist "mind-set," which can provide no answers.
163) Tell him that he can't use absolute logic because God is the only absolute.
164) Tell him the signs are there -- he's just not looking.
165) Tell him he wouldn't believe even if someone rises from the dead.
166) Play Matthew McConnaghey: "Do you love this person? Prove it."
167) Tell him that the third hour was Jewish time; the sixth hour was Roman time.
168) Try to perform an exorcism on him.
169) Claim to be speaking in tongues when actually you're just babbling incoherently.
170) Say that the Bible (as opposed to other holy books) is true because it's an eyewitness occount.
171) When he points out an apparent inconsistency of God's attributes, just say that God is infinite. The atheist, with his finite, human brain cannot begin to understand God.
172) For Muslims only: Say that it's perfectly reasonable for anyone to convert to your religion, but no one has a valid reason to leave Islam; it is the perfect religion.
173) Tell him that everyone has faith in SOMETHING.
174) Say that whatever you turn to in your hour of need is God.
175) Make him clean out your car.
176) Include cosmology and abiogenesis when discussing evolution.
177) Tell him he won't understand unless he believes, and he can't believe unless he understands.
178) Ask how he can have any morals if he doesn't believe in God.
179) Say that you know in your heart that belief in God is perfectly logical and rational.
180) Say that going to church is fun.
181) ...and when he says it's boring, act surprised.
182) Leave little Jesus cards on the tables at restaurants.
183) Talk about all the great things Dubya is going to do for our nation.
184) Insist that homosexuality is a choice.
185) Insist that Thomas Jefferson was a Christian.
186) Tell his that it's not a religion -- it's a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
187) Sing.
188) When asked what's wrong with evolution, tell them that it doesn't account for the origin of matter.
189) Tell him he only doesn't believe in God because his family hates him.
190) Advertise for heaven and hell.
191) Send a child over to witness to him.
192) ...when he tells the child he's not interested, send over two adults to say the same things.
193) ...when he refuses again, give a Chick tract to a 3 year old to give to him.
194) Send a chat room message that he is a black-hearted sinner.
195) ...then turn your IM off so that he can't respond.
196) Tell them that Darwin recanted evolution on his deathbed.
197) ...and when he tells you about the Lady Hope myth, cry.
198) Create a website challenging evolution.
199) ...and when he actually does, close it down.
200) Create a term for a blatant paradox in your religion, then call other religions false because they don't have it.
201) Get into a chatroom argument with him, then start SCREAMING the lyrics to "Amazing Grace" while your friends write "Amen, brother" and other such nonsense as the atheist tries to make his point.
202) After losing an argument horribly, say that you will pray for his eternal soul.
203) ...then begin praying loudly without his permission.
204) Yell and scream about how he is going to hell during a debate.
205) ...and when he gets tired of your yelling and screaming, back out of the debate.
206) When losing a debate, take advantage of his good nature by punching out somebody near you until he stops talking.
207) ...when you see someone else do this, stop him by saying that his religion is a peaceful one.
208) Put gigantic crosses on everything he owns that you can get your hands on.
209) Counter every argument that begins with "God is defined as..." with "So you believe in God?"
210) Cry foul when he tries to create a club that is not religious.
211) Fail to have a basic grasp of history. (Spanish Inquisition? What's that?)
212) Have your pastor hunt him down and force him into a debate over dinner.
213) When all else fails, never talk to him, and convince a lot of other people to never talk to him either.
214) Treat his Christian wife like shit.
215) Complain to him about your own church, but don't leave it.
216) Send the DEA an anonymous tip that he has bundles of cocaine in his garage.
217) Put a large cross in his yard.
218) ...then set it on fire with your hooded brethren.
220) Start your own university dedicated to religious narrow-mindedness and restriction of free choice.
221) ...and name it "Liberty."
222) Perpetually ask saps for money on your television show.
223) Avoid taxes and regulations because you're doing God's work.
224) Ask why he only focuses on the bad parts of the Bible.
225) Accuse him of closed-mindedness for not accepting your extraordinary claims.
226) Tell him he has to believe before he can understand the evidence.
227) Tell him he is innumerate.
228) Tell him he is illiterate.
229) Tell him he is pissed.
230) Tell him he won't agree with you because the Holy Spirit has closed his eyes to the truth.
231) ...then continue preaching to him.
232) Insist that you've already refuted everything he said.
233) Ask God to bless his dark heart.
234) Threaten to sue his university for infringement of free speech after he heckles you.
235) Tell him that long hair is the Devil's work.
236) Tell him that all your music is the Devil's work.
236) Tell him that the fossils in the earth are the Devil's work.
237) Create hoaxes to prove cerationism (i.e. a human footprint alongside a dino's footprint).
238) Claim that God can cure HIV if one prays hard enough.
239) ...then say that it is God's choice who he will cure, and anyway having HIV is better than an eternity in Hell.
240) Turn up your amps so that everyone within three blocks has to listen to him rant about Jesus.
241) Double park on Sunday. Claim the principle of righteousness.
242) Ask who he turns to when he's in danger.
243) ...when he says himself, say "No -- when you're REALLY in danger."
244) Grossly misunderstand the word "theory."
245) Declare that everyone knows in his heart that God exists, but just want to worship themselves.
246) Declare that without God there are no ultimate answers to anything.
247) ...then declare that WITH God there is an ultimate answer to everything -- and that answer is God.
248) Declare that without God you finally die alone.
249) Declare that atheism gives you nothing to hope for except the false promises of this world.
250) Use transitive verbs intransitively (e.g. "Jesus raised from the dead").
251) ...when corrected on the above (e.g. Jesus ROSE or WAS RAISED from the dead), shout "Then you really do believe!"
252) Announce that God was watching over a loved one who survived a terrible tragedy.
253) ...and when the loved one later dies from his wounds, announce that it was God's will.
254) Get him to admit that he KNOWS God exists, but Satan has seduced him.
255) Invite every single person in your church to give Chick tracts to everyone they know.
256) Ask if he's ever heard of Jesus Christ.
257) Show up on his front porch at 9:00 on Saturday morning, and take advantage of his groginess by shoving copies of Watchtower into his hands and getting him to read the Bible with you, then walk away before he has any idea what's going on.
258) When he finally gets tired of you and launches several "Do Not Feed The Troll" campaigns against you, change your handle.
259) When confronted with a sound logical argument, respond with "Yes, but I don't believe that."
260) Have the Gideon Bible waiting in the hotel room that he pays for.
261) Regale him with questions such as "Who do you think wakes you up in the morning? Isn't that a miracle?" while you, the bus driver, should be watching the road.
262) Scrape your fingernails on a blackboard.
263) If you're an ISP, repeatedly cut him off during a net session, so that he must spend 90% of his time dialing.
264) Program your church bells to play very loudly at really odd hours.
265) Every time the subject of his being an atheist comes up, burst out laughing.
266) Ask how he can possibly raise children in a godless environment.
267) Accuse him of having more than one personality.
268) Talk to him with the assumption that he shares your beliefs -- i.e. start a sentence with "You know how God wants us to..."
269) When the subject of homosexuality comes up, say "God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve."
270) ...and expect it to be taken as an intelligent remark.
271) Insist that the Bible is completely true.
272) ...and when he conclusively proves otherwise, acknowledge that the Bible is trash, but remain a Christian.
273) ...then take him to church.
274) ...and tell him he really must come more often.
275) Reply to every statement he makes, "That's only your opinion."
276) Post something inflammatory about him, wait for him to respond, then go back and either delete or edit your post so that it appears that the ateist is attacking you for no reason.
277) Become completely and totally paranoid about him.
278) After bringing up a number of topics, explain your lack of response by referring to some organized sport that you participate in.
279) Point to something in nature that's really cool, and call it proof of God's existence.
280) When he shows up at your wedding, bearing an expensive gift for you, return the favor by sicing your minister on him after the ceremony.
281) If he has cancer, tell him with a sickeningly sweet smile that you will pray for his recovery, because someone needs to.
282) Refuse to give him your wallet after he quotes Matthew 5:42 to you.
283) Insist you believe in the literal truth of the entire Bible, except for Matthew 5:42.
284) Take advantage of a horrible national tragedy, caused in large part by religious fanaticism, by pushing your own religious fanaticism as the only thing that will save us all.
285) ...and announce that the tragedy only happened beacuse of those who ignore your religious fanatacism.
286) When ask why you bother praying to ask for things if God has a Divine Plan, tell him that you're not really asking for things, but you're trying to get closer to him. (It's a lie, of course, but don't let that stop you.)
287) Insist that a denomination of Protestantism founded in the ninteenth century is the only true way.
288) Insist on deathbed conversions.
281) When ending your conversation with the atheist, promise to read whatever book the atheist may have mentioned, knowing darned well that you yourself never made it through Leviticus.
I found this list here.
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Etiketter: Ateisme/Naturalisme | humor
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Etiketter: astronomi/kosmologi | Carl Sagan | video | vitenskap
[url=]Video - God is Not Great - Sharpton vs Hitchens[/url]
Video - God is Not Great - Sharpton vs Hitchens
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Etiketter: Ateisme/Naturalisme | Christopher Hitchens | religion | video
Carcass - Reek of Putrefaction
Earache Records, 1988
Skal man begynne å høre på goregrind er det bare naturlig å starte med gamle Carcass. Det meste som kan krype og gå av brutale death metal og grindcore band er inspirert av dette bandet og deres tidlige album.
Carcass var tidlig ute med ultra brutal musikk, umenneskelig vokal og splatter lyrikk. Produksjonen er rå som faen og ikke noe for pingler som liker pop med klar produksjon. Gitaren og bassen har en kvalmende og syk tone som kryper inn i øregangene dine, og ned i halsen og neseborene dine der de fyller dem med stanken av råtne lik og smaken av åreforkalket blod. Man blir møtt av en vegg av ulyd og brutalitet som man vanligvis ikke kan forvente fra en utgivelse fra 80-tallet. Riffene er virkelig tøff og røffe og alt man kan ønske fra goregrind sjangeren.
Vokalen er av den grusomme og umenneskelige typen som skulle bli vanlig i goregrind. Her finner du både dype death metal growling og forvrengte skrik om hverandre. Lyrikken går virkelig dype detaljer om både missbruk av lik og de levende. Nekrofili, morbide drap og oppråtning er det man kan forvente fra dette albumet.
Reek of Putrefaction er absolutt en historisk viktig klassiker som har overlevd tidens tann. Musikken er kanskje ikke like brutal som det mest brutale vi har i dag, men dette er uansett et bedre album enn veldig mye av moderne goregrind. Dette er absolutt et album alle som hører på brutal death metal og grindcore burde være kjent med.
Den eneste grunnen noen ikke skulle like dette albumet (hvis vi ser bort i fra de som ikke liker verken death metal eller grindcore) er at de er opphengt i å ha ren og pen produksjon, og da burde de ikke høre på metal til å begynne med.
Morionor er et melodiøst black metal band fra USA som har gitt ut 3 demoer. De er oppløst og har dannet et nytt band som heter Jenovah, men heldigvis kan du fremdeles høre dem på deres Myspace.
Vanden Plas - Iodic Rain
Rytmihäiriö - Pakko Tappaa Ihminen
Astral Doors - Time To Rock
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Etiketter: metal søndag
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Etiketter: George Carlin | humor | video
Cectic er humoristisk tegneseriestripe som handler om skepsis ovenfor både religion og det overnaturlige. Oppdaget den da det ble postet på skepsis blog en tid tilbake.
Tegningene er ikke all verden og humoren er treffer ikke 100 % bestandig, men med tanke på at det ikke er all verden med tegneserier som dette er det absolutt verd å sjekke ut.
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Etiketter: Ateisme/Naturalisme | humor | skepsis
First entry in the new log book. How many have I filled up now, six? With any luck this one will be the last.
Maybe I've subconsciously whipped myself up into a state of false optimism to compensate for my recent failures, but I cannot shake the feeling that the answer is finally within my grasp. If I can become the first man to synthesize gold, all these years will not have been wasted.
Either way, I won't get anywhere if I continue to fill up this book with my self-indulgent scribbling instead of setting about my work. As poor old Schnidtweizer used to say before his throat was turned to stone, "It's alchemizin' time!"
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Religious people claim they derive their morality from religion. Where from an atheist derive his morality?
Religious people do not derive their morality from religion. I disagree (with the interviewer) on this point. Almost all of us do agree on moral grounds where religion had no effect. For example we all hate slavery, we want emancipation of women - they are all our moral grounds. These moral grounds started building only a few centuries ago and long after all major religions were established. We derive our morality from the environment we live in, Talk shows, Novels, Newspaper editorials and of course by the guidance of parents. Religion might only have a minor role to play in it. An atheist derives his morality from the same source as a religious people do.
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Etiketter: Ateisme/Naturalisme | Richard Dawkins
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Etiketter: arkeologi/historie | bibel | Jesus-myten
Narrepiller virker bedre når vi tror de er dyre, antyder ny forskning. Nå må vi sette fokus på hvordan legens holdning kan forsterke virkningen av en behandling, mener forskere.
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Etiketter: kvakksalveri/alternativ medisin | medisin
I thought for sure I had a few decades left in me, but I guess that was just wishful thinking on my part. Had I known death was so imminent, I might have lived a better life and avoided pirating so many mp3s. The last place I imagined retiring was Hell.
Hell is a tough pill to swallow. Besides the constant chaos and pandemonium, there's a lot of naked people screaming and getting tortured horrifically. I wish they would keep that sort of thing confined to certain areas, because there is some seriously amazing scenery. I almost wish I had a camera, but I guess I'll be seeing these sights every day.
One of the first things in Hell to catch my eye was a crazy parade float. It was these two enormous ears pierced together by an arrow, and with a humongous knife sticking out from between the two lobes. I guess they must have some pretty creative businesses or clubs or whatever here, since the float was obviously the result of great care and effort. I wanted to get a closer look but it was surrounded by all these naked dudes writhing around and moaning. One of them was tearing out his eyeballs. I'm not really cool with that whole scene, so I decided to move on. Besides, there was a huge marching band headed my way and they looked kind of menacing to say the least.
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Just embarked on my 987 day mission to Jupiter WUSSUP!!!!??
Launched the f*ck up off earth
Six years of training is finally payn off for this bitch so get ready to hear all kinds of crazy shit up in NLREV-002 Mercator. Burgundy and Pixee up in this shit 2 and so is missn commander Mikhail Yuriliev and my nigga science officer Vernon K. Armstrong.
We r gonna xperimnt the f*ck out of space!!!
Will update the blog whenver I can peace out
Nuclr proplsuns engnr Kayla "Juice-E" Paulson
NLREV-002 Mercator
Artemis-2 Mission
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Etiketter: humor | Science Fiction | Zack Parsons
Eat a whale and save the planet, a Norwegian pro-whaling lobby said on Monday of a study showing that harpooning the giant mammals is less damaging to the climate than farming livestock.Link
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Etiketter: miljø og miljøvern | zoologi
Rart hvordan han får til tallene på slutten. Men han stresser på med å få bort konvolutten og nesten springer tilbake for å brette tilbake papiret igjen og jeg vil tro det er her ett sted trikset skjer. Men jeg klarer ikke å se det.
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Ikke i ett eneste eksperiment lot det seg påvise noen helsebringende effekt av aromaterapibehandlingen, og i enkelte tilfeller viste det seg at destillert vann hadde større effekt enn lavendel.Nei for en bombe! Dette kunne jeg da aldri i min villeste fantasi forestilt meg.
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Etiketter: kvakksalveri/alternativ medisin | medisin | pseudovitenskap | skepsis
Can you tell the difference between music that passed through a pricey Monster stereo Cable, and a coat hanger? A reader forwarded us a post from the Audioholics Home Theater Forum and its author says no. He says his brother ran an experiment on him and four other audio aficionados listening to a new CD from a new group blindfolded. Seven different songs were played, each time heard with the speaker hooked up to Monster Cables, and the other time, hooked up to coat hanger wire. Nobody could determine which was the Monster Cable and which was the coat hanger. The kicker? None of the subjects even knew that coat hangers were going to be used.
[Via en masse plasser men jeg fant historien her.]
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Etiketter: skepsis
Jeg har hørt påstandene siden 80-tallet en gang. Jeg har faktisk hørt det så mange ganger at jeg begynner å tro han farer med løgn.
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Salon skriver om Misha Defonseca at hun bare bløffet om at hun overlevde holocaust. Sa har også notert seg historien. Det hele minner meg mye om den norske forfatteren Harriet Von Nickel (som er ett oppdiktet navn) som skrev Tyskerunge for noen år siden. Hun innrømmet til slutt at store deler av det hun skrev var inspirert av andres historier hun hadde lest og hørt om.
Ikke vet jeg hva som er fakta og hva som er oppdiktet av Harriet, men det høres jo vilt ut:
Harriet von Nickel (born 1942) was regularly locked up, and sometimes attached with a dog chain, to wait for her foster father to come home and hit her. Aged nine or ten she had a swastika marked on her forehead with a nail.
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Etiketter: juks og bedrageri | Krig/folkemord/tortur | skepsis
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Etiketter: George Carlin | humor | religion | video
"Voldskriminelle menn", "undertrykte slørkledde kvinner" og "mistilpassede barn og unge" dominerer mange nordmenns forestillinger om norsksomaliere. Bak mediemyten har forsker Katrine Fangen funnet et mer nyansert bilde av Norges fjerde største innvandrerbefolkning.
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Etiketter: islam
Burzum - Filosofem
Misanthropy Records, 1996
Burzum trenger ingen introduksjon, spesielt hvis du har lest de tidligere utgavene av Metal Søndag. Filosofem er det siste metal albumet til Varg Vikernes, de to han lagde i fengslet er elektronisk ambient, så dette blir nok det siste Burzum albumet jeg kommer til å skrive om.
Filosofem åpner med Dunkelheit (egentlig heter den Burzum (som betyr mørke på det mørke målet de snakker i Mordor), men den versjonen med tyske oversettelsen av låttitlene er den mest vanlige) som er fantastisk stemningsfull og ambient black metal. Åpningssporet setter virkelig stemningen i gang og man glir inn i en slags transe som varer ut hele albumet. Hele albumet er en reise gjennom rå og mørk natur som man ellers må dra på fjelltur for å oppleve.
Hvis du hører på det første Burzum albumet og så dette kan du virkelig høre hvor mye Varg Vikernes har vokst og modnet på dette albumet. Det første albumet er et lite mesterverk innenfor tidlig norsk black metal, mens Filosofem er så nært black metal perfeksjon man kommer.
En ting som er verd å peke ut er forskjellen på vokalen her og de tidligere utgivelsene. På de tidligere utgivelsene er de torturerte skrikene klare og tydelige, mens her er de mer hese og utydelige. Dette har kanskje mye med at de ble spilt inn med en billig PC-mikrofon. Hvis du er en av de som aldri klarte å bli vant til vokalen på de tidligere albumene, er dette albumet perfekt for deg.
Dette albumet er absolutt et av tidenes beste black metal album og absolutt en klassiker en hver metalhead burde være kjent med.
Despondent Chants er et doom band fra Peru som gav ut en demo i 2004. Du kan høre noe av låtene deres på deres Myspace.
Var på konsert i går på Glassheim og så Stonegard.
Første oppvarmingsbandet var et gothic band som het Atmospheria. Jeg antar de var et metal band, men riffene var utydelige. Ellers var de ikke så verst selv jeg ikke forstår hvorfor de trengte to keyboard spillere. Trommene var kanskje det beste med bandet siden han som spilte trommene litt mer enn å bare holde rytmen.
Neste bandet var et Metallica cover band som var ganske gode. Hadde det vært opp til meg skulle bare spilt låter fra det første albumet i stedet for mye det pisset de valgte å spille. Men deres Master of Puppets cover var ganske bra, så jeg har ikke så mye å klage over.
Så var det selvsagt Stonegard til slutt. De var absolutt høydepunktet og et fantastisk live band. De er virkelig et av de beste nyere metal bandene her i Norge og hvis du ikke har sjekket dem ut anbefaler jeg at du går gjør det nå (jeg kommer til å dedikere minst en utgave av Metal Søndag til dem en gang i fremtiden). Det står på sjangerbeskrivelsen på M-A at de er spiller stoner, men jeg vil si at det er rettere å kalle dem moderne heavy metal som er spilt riktig.
Nå over til metal musikkvideoer.
The Rods - Hurricane
Zoroaster - Bullwhip
Hellveto - Kwintesencja Opacznosci
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Etiketter: metal søndag
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Vg skriver at å innføre ett nytt filformat som er gratis vil medføre en ekstrautgift på svimlende 778 millioner kroner for staten.
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Etiketter: skepsis