søndag, desember 31, 2006

Biskop som får sagt det

Biskop Sigurd Osberg ser lyset når han skriver om menneskelig moral.

Jeg mener at tro på Gud ikke er det eneste akseptable fundament for gyldig, forpliktende moral. Historien viser oss mennesker som uten gudstro kjenner seg like sterkt etisk forpliktet som troende. Jeg husker en samtale jeg hadde med dikteren Arnulf Øverland på gaten utenfor Grotten i begynnelsen av 1960-årene. Øverland reagerte sterkt mot en moral som må skremme med Guds straff for å få mennesker til å leve ”et anstendig liv”. Alt er ikke tillatt selv om troen på Gud dør. Og alt er heller ikke tillatt ”i Guds navn”.


Metal Søndag 31. desember

Immortal - Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism
Osmose Productions, 1992

Immortal er et av de meste kjente black metal bandene her i verden og har virkelig gjort sitt for å sette Norge på kartet. Ikke bare på grunn av deres geniale black metal, men på grunn av deres tåpelige bandbilder der de poserer i liksminke i et desperat forsøk på å se grimme og skumle ut.
Men det er selvsagt musikken som er hovedfokuset her.

Immortal er kjent for skikkelig black metal med iskalde melodier og skikkelig black metal vokal, og dette albumet er ingen unntak. Trommingen her er også veldig god. Riffene her er midttempo og ikke så tekniske som senere album. Produksjonen er også råere enn senere album.
Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism er skikkelig mørkt og kaldt med et klart løfte om en ny satanistisk tidsalder der alt liv er fortapt. Det er klart og tydelig at denne verden venter en grim skjebne. Immortal hadde enda ikke laget sin egen mytologi som de er kjent for på de senere albumene, så det en del rettfrem satanisme her.

Til tross av at Immortal er et av tidenes mest kjente black metal band er dette en oversett klassiker. Det kommer av at deres kommersielle gjennombrudd er takket være de senere albumene, og dermed har dette albumet kommet i skyggen.
I tillegg til å være et bra album er dette også en historisk viktig utgivelse på lik linje med de andre norske black metal albumene fra tidlig 90-tallet. Det er utgivelser som dette som takker farvel til den første bølgen av black metal fra 80-tallet og legger grunnlaget for den andre bølgen som vi er så vandt med i dag.


Jeg har kommet over et ganske så fælt, men underholdene elektronisk metal band som heter Xe-NONE. De kombinerer fæl danse techno med metal og du kan høre deres grusomheter på deres Myspace. Dette er selvtortur på sitt beste.
Du kan også laste ned EP-en deres fra Internettsiden deres.

Her er noen metal musikkvideoer som vanlig.

Stalaggh - Projekt Terror video

Zyklon - Psyklon Aeon

Emperor - Curse You All Men

Einherjer - Ironbound

Enslaved - Ascension

Meshuggah (Fredrik) + Morgan Incredible Medley


lørdag, desember 30, 2006

Visjon Norge

Jeg har merket meg at den "sannhetsbaserte" kanalen Visjon Norge har programmer om vitenskap sent om kveldene. Her en kveld benket jeg meg inn foran skjermen for å se programmet som omhandlet vitenskapen om kreasjonisme, og hvem andre dukket opp enn den godeste Kent Hovind, han er så kjent at han til og med er omtalt på Wikipedia. Rett skal være rett så jeg må nesten nevne at han også er nevnt under Pseudoscientists. Så dette er altså det vitenskapelige tilbudet til Visjon Norge sine seere, man kan jo undres over hvilke kvalitetskriterier de vektlegger for å fortjene en plass på sendeskjemaet til denne kanalen. Eller sagt på en annen måte, hvilke programmer hadde de nektet å sende?

Hvis jeg husker rett så handlet ikke programmet om evolusjon ei heller kreasjonisme, men heller om en skrullete konspirasjonsteori. Dette programmet var så dårlig at det ikke engang fortjener kult-status som Dis fikk, det er rett og slett for dårlig til det. Jeg holdt ut i fem minutter og det er en personlig rekord jeg ikke skal prøve å slå.


fredag, desember 29, 2006

Scientology - The Elli Perkins Story


Myth Busters Fire from sticks


Fart Lighting


Stor tullekuk

Hva sier James Randi?


Hvem er mest tjent med fritt tilgjengelig informasjon?

I Forskning.no sin artikkel står det følgende:

De ”moderne profetene” har en helt annen mulighet enn tidligere profeter til å få spredt sine tekster og budskap. Ikke bare gjennom Internett, men også ved at mennesker blir stadig mer mobile.
Det er jo forsåvidt sant, men nettet er såpass proppet av folk med visjoner(og masse annet fjas) at selv en hardt troende supernaiv hippi kan begynne å tvile. Hadde det bare vært en eller noen få på nettet med visjoner og profetier så kunne det nok vært noe, men sånn er det altså ikke.

Så hvis alle de rettroende profetene legger ut vaset sitt på nett så kan det jo godt hende at noen vil se motsetningene i dette og dermed kan det jo hende at de begynner å tvile og kanskje forholde seg til profetiene med en viss skepsis.


torsdag, desember 28, 2006

Godt spørsmål

How can I believe in God when just last week I got my tongue caught in the roller of an electric typewriter?
- Woody Allen


onsdag, desember 27, 2006

Ingen video i dag



tirsdag, desember 26, 2006


Based on the book The Demon Haunted World by Carl Sagan

The following are suggested as tools for testing arguments and detecting fallacious or fraudulent arguments:

  • Wherever possible there must be independent confirmation of the facts
  • Encourage substantive debate on the evidence by knowledgeable proponents of all points of view.
  • Arguments from authority carry little weight (in science there are no "authorities").
  • Spin more than one hypothesis - don't simply run with the first idea that caught your fancy.
  • Try not to get overly attached to a hypothesis just because it's yours.
  • Quantify, wherever possible.
  • If there is a chain of argument every link in the chain must work.
  • "Occam's razor" - if there are two hypothesis that explain the data equally well choose the simpler.
  • Ask whether the hypothesis can, at least in principle, be falsified (shown to be false by some unambiguous test). In other words, it is testable? Can others duplicate the experiment and get the same result?


mandag, desember 25, 2006

The Bright Stuff

The time has come for us brights to come out of the closet. What is a bright? A bright is a person with a naturalist as opposed to a supernaturalist world view. We brights don't believe in ghosts or elves or the Easter Bunny — or God. We disagree about many things, and hold a variety of views about morality, politics and the meaning of life, but we share a disbelief in black magic — and life after death.

The term "bright" is a recent coinage by two brights in Sacramento, Calif., who thought our social group — which has a history stretching back to the Enlightenment, if not before — could stand an image-buffing and that a fresh name might help. Don't confuse the noun with the adjective: "I'm a bright" is not a boast but a proud avowal of an inquisitive world view.




There are no atheists in foxholes, according to an old but dubious saying, and there is at least a little anecdotal evidence in favor of it in the notorious cases of famous atheists who have emerged from near-death experiences to announce to the world that they have changed their minds. The British philosopher Sir A. J. Ayer, who died in 1989, is a fairly recent example. Here is another anecdote to ponder.



Daniel Dennett

En time langt intervju med Daniel Dennet, så ikke se på dette om du ikke bryr deg om Daniel Dennet.


Besteforeldre bestemmer kirkebesøk

Ingen jul uten kirkebesøk? En engelsk undersøkelse tyder på at besteforeldrene dine kan ha hatt en betydelig innvirkning på ditt valg av kirkevaner.



søndag, desember 24, 2006

Metal Søndag 24. desember

Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Christmas Eve & Other Stories
Atlantic, 1996

Siden denne utgaven av Metal Søndag er på selveste Juleaften føler jeg at det eneste passende måtte være et Jule metal album. Dette er seriøs julemusikk uten ironi med et faktisk formål med å spre julens glade budskap. Dette er med andre ord ikke noe hedensk black metal album som handler om å drepe jesusbarnet eller rølpete thrash som handler om skyte ned Julenissen.
Dette er myk julemusikk med innslag av symfonisk heavy metal.

Dette albumet handler om god gammeldags amerikansk julestemning og juleglede. Hvis jeg ikke var en sånn kvlt, ond, hjerteløs black metal fyr, skulle jeg ha fått skikkelig julestemning av dette. Men jeg må innrømme at jeg føler noe. I mitt innerste mørke og grimme sinn er det noe som prøver å smelte isen når jeg hører på dette albumet.
Jeg er ganske sikker på at dette albumet kommer til å gi mange av dere julestemning som varer helt til påske, så med mindre du er opptatt av kvlt poengene dine er det ingen grunn til å unngå Christmas Eve & Other Stories.

Trans-Siberian Orchestra - The Christmas Attic
Atlantic, 1998

Da jeg bestilte Christmas Eve & Other Stories viste jeg ikke at det var en dobbel-CD og at dette albumet fulgte med. Nå som jeg har begge er det like greit at jeg tar med The Christmas Attic.
Dette er også julemusikk med innslag av symfonisk heavy metal. Med andre ord ikke noe brutal death metal som handler om å drepe hele familien under julemiddagen eller tung doom som handler om depresjonen mange går igjennom på Juleaften.

Det er ikke så fryktelig mye mer jeg kan si om dette eller det andre albumet. Eneste er kanskje at det er på grunn av greier som dette at jeg liker metal så mye som jeg gjør. Det vil si at jeg liker at metal kan være sånn musikk som dette, men samtidig også være det eksakt motsatte.
God Jul alle sammen.


Niroth er et britisk black metal band som forhåpentligvis gir ut en plate snart. Sjekk ut deres grimme ondskap på deres Myspace.

Siden jeg er bortreist neste søndag er det en liten mulighet for at det kanskje ikke blir noen Metal Søndag da, men jeg skal lagre neste ukes utgave og håpe at han andre kødden husker å poste den for meg.

Nå over til metal musikk videoer.

The Crown - Face Of Destruction

Carcass - Heartwork

Anorexia Nervosa - Sister September

Naglfar - The Perpetual Horrors

Mr. Bungle - My Ass Is On Fire

In Extremo - Liam

Og mer får dere ikke av denne utgaven av Metal Søndag selv om det er Jul.


lørdag, desember 23, 2006

God Jul


Church denies funeral for Italian

Italy's Roman Catholic Church has denied the right to a religious funeral to a terminally ill man whose fight to die sparked a fierce euthanasia debate.



Iraq tribes 'taking on al-Qaeda'

A group of Sunni tribal chiefs in Iraq say they have caught more than 100 al-Qaeda members in recent months.



Magic Card trick - Amazing !!


Magic Tricks : Appearing Drinking Straw


Magic Tricks - Behind the glass card magic trick


Awesome Magic Tricks


fredag, desember 22, 2006

Falun Dafa Information Center

I Kina blir de som praktiserer religionen Falun Gong forfulgt, torturert og drept av politiet. Her er en Internett-side om disse forfølgelsene og om hva mange de som praktiserer Falun Gong har gått igjennom.


Og her kan du lese om torturteknikkene kinesisk politi bruker.



Congo's Wounds of War: More Vicious than Rape

The atrocity reports from eastern Congo were so hellish that Western medical experts refused to believe them—at first.

This is about fistulas—and rape, which in Congo has become the continuation of war by other means. Fistulas are a kind of damage that is seldom seen in the developed world. Many obstetricians have encountered the condition only in their medical texts, as a rare complication associated with difficult or abnormal childbirths: a rupture of the walls that separate the vagina and bladder or rectum. Where health care is poor, particularly where trained doctors or midwives are not available, fistulas are more of a risk. They are a major health concern in many parts of Africa.

In eastern Congo, however, the problem is practically an epidemic. When a truce was declared in the war there in 2003, so many cases began showing up that Western medical experts at first called it impossible—especially when local doctors declared that most of the fistulas they were seeing were the consequence of rapes. "No one wanted to believe it at first," says Lyn Lusi, manager of the HEAL Africa hospital (formerly called the Docs Hospital) in the eastern Congo city of Goma. "When our doctors first published their results, in 2003, this was unheard of."



Scientology and the Clearwater Police


The Psychology of Biblicism

For many years I have studied the theology underlying biblicism, the fundamentalist belief in the absolute authority of the Bible in every aspect of life, only to conclude that it is not theological in nature at all, but rather entirely psychological. That is, biblicism is not, as its adherents claim and think, an implication of a set of beliefs about the Bible but rather the outgrowth of a particular frame of mind. I am not impatient with theological claims; I just do not think they are the real source or motivation of biblicism, and this becomes evident once we discover certain inconsistencies in biblicism which make nonsense of its theological claims but are quite consistent with the psychological function of biblicism. If it were a matter of theology, surely biblicists would notice the problems. But since biblicism does the job biblicists want it to do, they simply never notice the problems.

Biblicism, again, is the term for that stance toward the Bible whereby a believer intends to obey whatever the text tells him to do, and to believe whatever the text asserts. If occasionally the commands of the Bible (say, to give away all one’s possessions) seem just too outrageous, biblicists may rationalize them away, but even this does not mean they are not taking them seriously; a non-biblicist would say he rejects the command of the Bible and leave it at that. And there are more liberal Christian theologies which do not entail biblicism, managing, as Reinhold Niebuhr said, to take the text seriously even if not literally. So what is it that attracts many people to biblicism?



Heaven and Its Wonders, and Earth: The World the Biblical Writers Thought They Lived In

Reginald Finley Sr. (også kjent som The Infidel Guy) har med hjelp fra teologen Dr. Robert M. Price skrevet er en artikkel om bibelens kosmologi.

One day, I was contemplating what the ancients thought when they looked up at the sky. I pondered, "What did the Hebrews actually think about the sky?" My journey lead me to a most obvious realization: Heaven IS the Sky! It seems SO obvious I wonder how modern believers even miss such a right in your face reality!
Dr. Bob Price and I team up to look deeply into what the ancients thought about the sky above our heads.


Er du for lat til å lese alt er denne teksten oppsummert i denne videoen.


40 påstander du kan vurdere holdbarheten av

Disse var vanskelig og jeg må innrømme at jeg satt fast og nølte på en del av disse.




Vitenskapelige feil og antivitenskapelig tull i media -
Over 1000 oppslag samlet fra juni 1996 til august 2001


Mye morsomt lesestoff.


Tøff nøtt


torsdag, desember 21, 2006

The Atheist Delusion


Blasphemy is a Victimless Crime

Richard Dawkins skriver mail til en kreasjonist, jeg tar meg friheten til å fremheve noe i rødt.

I had not given the Blasphemy Challenge any thought until you called it to my attention. Now that you have done so, I do not seem to feel strongly one way or the other. As that admirable bumper sticker has it, Blasphemy is a Victimless Crime. So, am I going to send in my own film clip denying the Holy Ghost? No, that is not what Oxford professors do, they write books instead. Do I find it offensive that so many young people are sending in their film clips? No. I hadn’t listened to any of them before you raised the matter. I have now done so, and I must say I find them more charming than offensive. They mostly seem rather nice young people, and they are doing their bit, in their own lively and entertaining way, to raise consciousness and set an example to their peers. I am especially pleased to note how young they are, for organized atheists have, until recently, been noticeably and discouragingly grey-headed. I think we may be witnessing the beginnings of a shift in the tectonic plates of our Zeitgeist. I am delighted to see so many young Americans taking part, in a way that suits their age group better than mine or yours.


Richard Dawkins

Her er mere: Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.


onsdag, desember 20, 2006

Spiritisten som grunnla moderne biologi

Evolusjonsteorien hadde ikke én oppdager, men to. Det er skrevet bindsterke verk om Charles Darwin. Nå er det også skrevet gode ting om den andre oppdageren: biologen, sosialisten og spiritisten Alfred Russel Wallace.



Norman Borlaug



prøv linken www.ateist.no




tirsdag, desember 19, 2006

Nordvegen historiesenter

I sommer var jeg på Nordvegen historiesenter. Av museumer så må dette være noe av det flotteste en kan få sett i Norge. At min enbårne gikk inn i en ultra-negativ modus dro noe ned totalopplevelsen da jeg ikke fikk den nødvendige roen til å finlese alt som sto. Jeg var vel også litt skeptisk til filmen vi fikk se, som for all del var godt laget, og til slutt så fant jeg vel aldri ut hva de tempelridder greiene hadde der å bestille. Det ante meg at noen kanskje prøvde å sy litt DaVinci mystisisme inn i det hele.


If You Dislike Christianity, You'll Hate Buddhism!

As a teacher of comparative Religion courses over many years, I have come to notice some surprising and even paradoxical things. It is no surprise to me when certain students keep their minds as closed as a clenched fist because their fundamentalist upbringing demands it. I know to expect it, especially since I felt that way myself when I was their age. I try not to let it rest that way, though. I have no trouble respecting various points of view, because I have no problem respecting individuals as persons, and their most intimate beliefs are a part of them. I think Rousseau had the same thing in mind when he observed that one cannot live in harmony with one's neighbor so long as one really believes one's neighbor is damned to Hell. But accepting their belief insofar as they cherish it is another thing than accepting it as on a par with other options when the belief has nothing going for it, no leg to stand on. For instance a servant of truth simply cannot dignify Creationism by treating it as a scientific alternative deserving equal time in the class room. Anyone who knows the first thing about scientific method and the nature of theorizing knows Creationism does not belong in the game. You don't enter a horse in a dog race. Thus as a teacher, your responsibility is to use Creationism as a foil to demonstrate what the scientific approach really is, and it is not a set of particular conclusions but rather a method of arriving at (tentatively held) conclusions.

In the same way, if education is your game, you cannot allow it to appear that you respect and thus appear to legitimate narrow-mindedness. Like a good Zen Master, your business is to ask disturbing Socratic questions, to coax the truth out from within the student. For instance, I like to suggest that the person who says "I've made up my mind; don't confuse me with the facts," is making me think the opposite of what they want me to think. Do they have great faith? Instead, I can't help but think that deep down, they already know the jig is up! You don't lock up the barn that tight unless you know the horse wants out! They must know their faith would never survive a close look at certain facts. Trying to preserve the illusion, they are only making it more obvious that they know it is an illusion after all. I merely point this out.



Richard Dawkins leser fra The God Delusion til studenter i Lynchburg, Virginia

Del 1

Del 2 (den beste delen)


The Stephen Hawking Pages

Stephen Hawking has been one of my personal heroes ever since my Uncle Ian gave me a copy of his seminal book, "A Brief History of Time", when I was a kid.

As I read his ideas about space, time, black holes, and the Universe in which we live, I was amazed at how easily he explained the exciting but often complicated subjects explored in the book. I loved how he brought such inspiring theories to the public with a unique wit and insight, making previously baffling concepts fun.



Stephen Hawking

Welcome to Professor Stephen Hawking's website.

Everything you could ever want to know about Stephen Hawking . . . Well, almost!

If you have ever wanted to know about the man who wrote the all-time best seller 'A Brief History of Time', and more recently the book that is still topping charts all over the world 'The Universe in a Nutshell' then this is an excellent place to start. These pages have been written so that you can learn more about not only Stephen, but also his work.



Norman Borlaug biography

Dr. Norman Ernest Borlaug, 1970 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, a central figure in the "Green Revolution", has been credited with saving the largest number of people on earth - over one billion lives - thanks to his work as a biochemist in developing hybrid wheat and varieties of cereal grains that would produce high yields in developing countries. He is considered one of the 20th century's ten greatest contributors to humankind.

For 27 years he collaborated with Mexican scientists on problems of wheat improvement; ten or so of those years with scientists from other parts of the world, mostly from India and Pakistan, in adapting the new wheats to new lands and in gaining acceptance for their production.




Jeg var på befaring på Grindeneset i sommer.


Home The Norman Borlaug Institute for Crop Improvement

The Institute is named in honour of Nobel Peace Prize winner Norman Borlaug, "the father of the green revolution". Dr Borlaug officially inaugurated and designated the Institute on 31st May 1997. To mark the occasion he delivered a lecture entitled "Feeding a World of 10 Billion People: the Miracle Ahead".
The Norman Borlaug Institute initially comprised four centres of excellence in plant science: the UK Centre in Leicester, the Bulgarian Centre in Sofia, the Czech Centre in Prague and Olomouc, and the Chinese Centre in Beijing and Shanghai. Current developments will broaden the base of elite UK University and Research Institute support and add new Centres in India, Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa. The staff of the Institute are committed to developing strains of crop plants that require low inputs of chemicals and have a low environmental-impact, that give high yields of high quality produce. Such crops will be necessary to satisfy the need for efficient, sustainable agricultural production both in developed and emerging countries in the 21st century. In addition to the staff in the main centres, The Norman Borlaug Institute scientists benefit from their association with the members of the International Advisory Board, who are based at other institutions worldwide.




The Norman E. Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellows Program helps developing countries strengthen sustainable agricultural practices by providing short-term scientific training and collaborative research opportunities to visiting researchers, policymakers and university faculty while they work with a mentor. The program targets developing countries and places participants at land-grant universities and 1890's colleges, government agencies, international research centers and other nonprofit institutions and private companies.

The Borlaug Fellowship Program was launched in March 2004 in honor of Dr. Norman E. Borlaug, who has often been hailed as the father of the Green Revolution. In 1970, Dr. Borlaug won the Nobel Peace Prize for his success in developing high-yielding wheat varieties and reversing severe food shortages that haunted India and Pakistan in the 1960's. Credited with saving millions of lives, his work virtually eliminated recurring famines in South Asia and helped global food production outpace population growth.



The Norman Borlaug Heritage Foundation

The Norman Borlaug Heritage Foundation is a non-profit corporation dedicated to promoting education programs and projects which reflect the lifetime achievements and philosophy of Dr. Norman Borlaug.

For over a half century, the scientific and humanitarian achievements of Dr. Norman Borlaug (Nobel Peace Prize winner, Medal Of Freedom Winner and recipient of over 35 honorary Doctorate Degrees) has kept starvation at bay for millions of people in third world countries. Dr. Borlaug, " Father of the Green Revolution" continues his battle against starvation in Africa. Gregg Easterbrook writes of Borlaug "Though barely known in the country of his birth, elsewhere in the world Norman Borlaug is widely considered to be among the leading Americans of our age.



Kent Hovind - Analysis of Kent Hovind (Dr Dino)

The purpose of this site is to analyse the logic and science used in the presentations of a Creation Science Evangelist named Kent Hovind (right). This analysis will mainly focus on objective science issues related to Kent Hovind's "seminars" but detours will be made into understanding the nature of Kent Hovind the man. There will not be analysis of Hovind's theological position, Communist conspiracies, New World Order or Mark of the Beast claims (See conspiracy quotes).

The basis of Young Earth Creation Science is a literal interpretation of the Book of Genesis from the Christian Bible. The known Universe, planets, stars, animals and ultimately humans, it is suggested, were supernaturally created in six literal days around 4,000 BC. Approximately 2,300 BC the world was supposedly destroyed by a global flood except for a selection of animals and eight humans aboard the largest wooden boat ever constructed. (Sketchy details suggest the Chinese may have come close

Obviously Young Earth Creationism is in conflict with mainstream science in general and Evolution Theory (which only truly applies to biology) in particular. Note - the word 'evolution' can be applied to almost anything which changes or has changed over time.

This web site does not intend to debate the existence of any deity or the authority of any religious text. Nor is this site intended to be a treatise on the accuracy of Evolution Theory, but will correct any misrepresentations if they occur.

I have offered Kent Hovind the opportunity of an unedited, unlimited length, right of reply to be hosted on this site - so far he has ignored the offer. I have also offered to correct any errors or misunderstandings. This is not intended to be an invitation to debate, rather an indication I have given the accused the right of reply. Between December 10-12, 2003, Hovind & Son "reviewed" this web site on his internet broadcast, The Creation Science Hour.



DHEA: Ignore the Hype

News reports have called DHEA "the mother of all hormones." A new book calls it a "superhormone." On the Internet, it's billed as the "fountain of youth hormone."

In the court of media and public opinion, DHEA is king, a pill that can help us live longer, lose weight or gain it, prevent cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer's, and combat AIDS and other infectious diseases. The crescendo of praise for this hormone has drowned out the serious cautions that top researchers in the field are raising:

"The one thing you should tell your readers is that we know very little about DHEA. The hype is out of control, and I can't stress enough that it should be used with caution, if at all, until we know more," says Samuel Yen, MD, professor of reproductive medicine at the University of California, San Diego. News reports and advertisements widely cite his studies of people who took DHEA supplements for three months as proof that the hormone "works."



mandag, desember 18, 2006

Welcome to the Ghetto (of Scientific Illiteracy)

It has an ugly sound, doesn't it? Originally, I understand, it was merely the Jewish quarter of a city, and as such, not necessarily poorer or more crowded or a place of imprisonment. In other times and places, however, the word took on more sinister connotations. I suspect that most Americans first became aware of the term in World War II, when the ghettos of Eastern Europe were thrust into our consciousness as indeed places of inhuman imprisonment, overcrowding, and starvation. In the sixties, the word came to mean the impoverished inner city, with its mostly black population. As a child of the sixties, I can attest that many of us then never knew that the ghetto had ever been anything but the mean streets of winos, heroin, and welfare (and the Elvis Presley song of that name).



Did a medium identify a murderer?

In the article below I challenge the notion that a Medium, through direct contact with the dead victim, identified a murderer 18 years prior to his conviction. In doing so I am conscious of the fact that the victim’s relatives are still alive and may be distressed by what is essentially unwarranted intrusion. However the case has been investigated by members of the Society for Psychical Research who are convinced that this presents strong evidence for post mortem survival and intend to publish a full report (now pubished - Feb 2004). I was challenged to provide a more rational account of what happened and Adrian Shaw and I decided to carry out our own investigation purely as a response to this paranormal claim. In certain instances I have not identified everyone by name in order to protect people's privacy.



Indian Skeptic

Indian Skeptic is a magazine which publishes articles on the scientific investigation of apparently paranormal occurrences. It has a special emphasis on cases from India, but all contributions which deal in a scientific manner with paranormal phenomena are welcome.



The Roots of Nazism

National Socialism started as a movement, when different extremist groups joined together in 1919. It took place in Munich, and a political party, Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, was formed the year after, under the leadership of Adolf Hitler. Among the core issues was the creation of a Great Germany, cleansed of all non-Germanic elements, Jews in particular, the nullification of the Treaty of Versailles, re-formation of the German military, and re-acquisition of the German colonies.



US church splits over sexuality

Two church congregations in the US have voted to break away from the Episcopal Church because of its decision three years ago to consecrate a gay bishop.



Hetere klimapolitikk i USA

Mange forskere har lenge vært enige om at mennesker har ansvar for deler av klimaendringene. Nå har selv gjenstridige republikanere erkjent problemet.


På tide.


Brian Flemming forteller

There have been a lot of great video responses to the Blasphemy Challenge. From Catalan to New Zealand, everyone is jumping at the opportunity and happily dissing that wispy bastard: Infidel guys, soldiers, closet cases, the entire CFI community of Central Indiana, humanism itself and even Darth Vader (although I think he was already headed to H-E-double-hockey-sticks anyway). PZ text-blogged his blasphemy, because he already owns the DVD. This blogger also made some good highlight choices.

It's not all sweetness and light, however. The Blasphemy Challenge is controversial with some atheists. Over at the RichardDawkins.net discussion, few are without an opinion. One commenter says:

This seems misguided at best. We should be trying to prove to the world that atheists are good and decent people just like the rest of the world (ok, well, good and decent at least), and a stunt like this will just anger people and also alienate closet-agnostic atheists whom we should be trying to recruit. This is a bad idea.

But another commenter says, "There's room for all sorts of approaches in this fight, and ridicule is a very potent weapon." He then quotes Sam Harris on that subject:

I think we should not underestimate the power of embarrassment. The book Freakonomics briefly discusses the way the Ku Klux Klan lost its subscribers, and the example is instructive. A man named Stetson Kennedy, almost single-handedly it seems, eroded the prestige of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1940s by joining them and then leaking all of their secret passwords and goofy lingo to the people who were writing "The Adventures of Superman" radio show. Week after week, there were episodes of Superman fighting the Klan, and the real Klan's mumbo jumbo was put out all over the airwaves for people to laugh at. Kids were playing Superman vs. the Klan on their front lawns. The Klan was humiliated by this, and was made to look foolish; and we went from a world in which the Klan was a legitimate organization with tens of millions of members – many of whom were senators, and even one president – to a world in which there are now something like 5,000 Klansmen. It's basically a defunct organization.

You may be able to guess where I stand on the issue.

Om Stetson Kennedy


I have a question

When a prisoner is put to death by lethal injection, does he or she still get their arm cleaned with an alcohol swab? --Mark Alonso, 101st Airborne Division

Dear Mark:

Does make you wonder. Here they are, about to snuff the guy, and they're worried he might get infected with germs?

Fortell meg mer


søndag, desember 17, 2006

El-allergi er lureri

En ny undersøkelse viser at el-allergikere ikke greier å føle når de blir eksponert for stråling.



Human Rights in China


British Marines fight The Taleban

Part 1 of 4

Part 2 of 4

Part 3 of 4

Part 4 of 4


Metal Søndag 17. desember

Manilla Road - Metal
Roadster Records, 1982

Er det et band her i verden som definerer ekte, episk og/eller tradisjonell heavy metal er det Manilla Road. Hvorfor dette bandet ikke er mer kjent er et mysterium og en tragedie.
De ble dannet i 1976 og var i begynnelsen større grad en mix av hard rock og psychedelic rock enn metal. Dette albumet er det store steget fra rock til å bli definisjonen på ekte US power metal og episk heavy metal. Metal er et av de mest unike album som noen gang er laget og noe av det beste metalsjangeren har å by på.

Metal er et album som slår meg helt ut hver gang jeg hører på det. Ikke på grunn av ekstremitet, ikke på grunn av teknisk spill, ikke på grunn av fancy pynt, men på grunn av den episke atmosfæren. Dette albumet kommer fra en fjern fortid vi aldri klarer å gjenskape fylt med eventyr og magi.
Åpningssporet Enter the Warrior er ganske rettfram tidlig 80-talls power metal/episk heavy metal. Ikke så altfor spesiell, en god start. Denne sangen vokser betydelig etter en del gjennomlytninger.
Defender er enkel og kort heavy metal som av ukjente årsaker forårsaker gåsehud. Nå er jeg ingen musikkhistoriker, men dette må være tidenes første metal låt om videospill.
Alle som leser Conan kommer til å kjenne igjen hva Queen of the Black Coast handler om. Dette er en av mine favorittsanger fordi den sakte men sikkert blir bedre og bedre for hver gang du lytter på den.
Tittelsporet Metal er en ballade om metal. Lyrikken oppsumerer perfekt hvorfor metal er så mye mer enn bare musikk og får du ikke noe ut av denne sangen kan du like godt slutte å høre på metal med en eneste gang.
Og typisk for Manilla Road sine album har de klart å klemme inn en sang som Out of Control with Rock 'n' Roll. Disse låtene er alltid svakere enn resten av låtene på albumet og passer ikke inn. Ikke noe direkte dårlig, men ikke direkte bra heller.
Cage of Mirrors er selveste definisjonen på 110 % reindyrka episk kvalitets metal. Det er ikke ord for å beskrive den. Lyrikken og musikken går så perfekt sammen som det går an. Dette er uten tvil en av tidenes beste metal låter.
Albumet avsluttes med Far Side of the Sun som er opprinnelig fra første albumet deres. De har forbedret den litt og den passer fint inn på dette albumet.

Dette og alle andre Manilla Road album er album som krever tid og gjentatte gjennomlytninger. Alle albumene deres er unike, men det de har til felles er at de er reindyrka episk metal (med mulig unntak av det første). Dette er ekte metal for ekte metalheads.
Hvis du har oppdaget at metal er mer enn bare bråkemusikk med skummelt image som skremmer mor, og du har oppdaget at metal er episk og pirrer fantasien, er alt av Manilla Road noe for deg. Gjennom Manilla Road kommer du til å oppdage hva metal egentlig er og hva det kan gjøre med deg.


The Caktus er et stoner metal band fra New Caledonia (en fransk koloni eller noe sånt som jeg ikke vet hva heter på norsk) som har gitt ut en demo så langt. Ganske kul musikk som kan høres på deres Mypace.

Nå over til metal musikkvideoer.

W.A.S.P. - Blind in Texas

Witchcraft - Chylde of Fire

Haemorrhage - Mortuary Riot

Stratovarius - I Walk To My Own Song

Clotted Symmetric Sexual Organ - opptak fra Antiknock show

Malevolent Creation - Alliance Or War

Og helt til slutt er det eb Cathedral musikkvideo siden Cathedral er kult.

Cathedral - Ride


Skikkelig pene bilder



lørdag, desember 16, 2006

Call for Church sex abuse penance

Pope Benedict has been urged to declare a day of fasting and penitence over child sex crimes by clergy in the Roman Catholic Church.



Somali peace 'no longer possible'

The president of the weak transitional government has ruled out further peace talks with the Islamist militia controlling most of southern Somalia.



Jordstråler - et begrep uten vitenskapelig grunnlag

Jordstråler holdes av mange ansvarlig for en rekke sykdommer og plager, og skjerming mot jordstråler hevdes å ha terapeutisk effekt. Det har vært mange oppslag i massemedier om farene ved jordstråler og nytten av skjerming mot dem. Som flere andre alternativmedisinske terapiretninger baserer jordstråleskjerming seg på et teorisystem som er inkompatibelt med gjeldende kunnskap i kjemi, fysikk og medisin.

Vi har i forsøk vist at jordstråler ikke lar seg konsistent påvise, og at barn som sover i jordstrålefelt ikke er sykere enn andre barn. Nylig har vi publisert en randomisert, kontrollert studie som tydelig indikerer manglende behandlingseffekt av «skjerming» mot jordstråler med TX-plater. TX-plater er plastplater med innlagt kobber. Studien omfattet 80 pasienter med langvarige smertetilstander og stivhet i bevegelsesapparatet. Pasientene i studien ble etter få uker betydelig (20 - 40 %) bedre av sine plager, men like mye bedre enten de fikk ekte TX-plater eller jukseplater.

Påstander om jordstråler mangler vitenskapelig grunnlag. Vi maner til forsiktighet med å tolke kliniske suksesshistorier, enten som publiserte sykehistorier eller klinisk erfaring, som bevis på at et tiltak har effekt i seg selv. Enhver påstand om behandlingseffekt bør være forskningsbasert.



How Medical Facts Are Developed: Why Some Are More Potent Than Others

Medical scientists view the reality of health and disease in three ways. The most ancient, which was used by Egyptian physicians more than four thousand years ago, is the systematic observation of those who are sick. Through the intensive study of the course of illness in their patients, physicians through the ages have gained knowledge of disease and developed ways of treating it. This simple type of research, the case study, is the foundation of the healing arts and the inspiration for most of the new concepts in medical science.

Beginning in the late nineteenth century, a second type of research, the laboratory experiment, provided a powerful means of testing the concepts that physicians derived from their observations of patients. Through the study of animals, of living tissues, of cells, and of disease-causing agents, laboratory investigators helped to transform medicine from a largely hit-or-miss art into an increasingly effective, science-based discipline.

The third kind of research, like the first, involves people. However, unlike the case study, which focuses on the sick individual, this third type of research deals with groups of people, both the sick and the well. Its most important tool is statistics, and since its early practitioners were concerned with epidemics of smallpox, typhoid, and other infectious diseases, it acquired the name epidemiology.

Epidemiologists study the characteristics of people—where they live, how they earn a living, what they eat, whether or not they smoke, whether they are fat or thin, what illnesses their parents had; in short, all of the countless circumstances and habits that keep them in good health or propel them into illness.



Dr. Phil

Jeg har ingen respekt for Dr. Phil. Han er en hykler og kvakksalver som utnytter dumme, svake og desperate folk for å gi billig TV-underholdning. Rådene han gir er stort sett ting som hvem som helst kunne ha funnet ut selv.



Hvor går grensene for humanismen?

Humanisme kommer i mange varianter. Som denne: ”Vi er ikke immune mot kjeltringer blant oss. Hvis jeg allerede nå kjente til noen, ville de ikke være i live etter morgendagen. Kort prosess. Det er fordi jeg er humanist at jeg har dette synspunktet.”

Sitatet er fra Erich Mielke, Øst-Tysklands kanskje mest fryktede mann. Mielke ledet i mer enn tre tiår ”Ministerium für Staatssicherheit”, kjent som Stasi. Og mer enn noen annen var han ansvarlig for at Øst-Tyskland utviklet seg til det mest gjennomovervåkede samfunn noen sinne.

Men Mielkes humanisme er ikke den eneste: ”Humanister anser demokratiet og individets rettigheter for å være grunnleggende, rasjonelt begrunnede verdier. Vi tar avstand fra totalitære religiøse og politiske ideologier og tenkemåter,” heter det i Norsk humanistmanifest 2006, en definisjon som plasserer Mielke trygt på utsiden.



Why We Love Gurus

They seduce us by telling us what we want to hear: we're wonderful and we'll live forever. What's wrong with that? Plenty.



fredag, desember 15, 2006

Brian Flemming på nyhetene

Brian Flemming er kjent for mye rart blant står han bak denne aksjonen.


Chuck Norris fakta

Som omtalt på Kommisjonen, her er Chuck Norris Facts.

Guns don't kill people. Chuck Norris kills People.
There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of animals Chuck Norris allows to live.
Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits.
The chief export of Chuck Norris is Pain.


Homeopaths: Double-blind studies of homeopathic medicines are not ideally possible

Remind me to mark April 10 down on my calendar. I never realized it was such an important day, and, in any case, I wouldn't want to miss it. Nor should the rest of the skeptical blogosphere. Why? It's World Homeopathy Day, "celebrated" (or, if you're a fan of evidence-based medicine, as I am, lamented) in "honor" of Samuel Hahnemann, the originator of homeopathy, who was born on April 10, 1755.

Oh, joy. (On the other hand, I'm sure I can think of some sort of blog fun to have next April 10.)

Homeopathy, as you may recall, is the "alternative" medical therapy in which, it is postulated, a therapeutic compound diluted to the point where chemistry would dictate that there is not a single molecule of the substance left, actually becomes more potent. Reasons put forth as an explanation for this alleged effect, which, if real, would contravene the laws of chemistry, physics, and biology, range from the claim that water somehow retains the "memory" of compounds that have been diluted in it to fallacious invocation of quantum effects, the all-purpose explanation woos like to use when their particular brand of woo clearly conflicts with the laws of nature, as homeopathy does. Moreover, according to the homeopathic "law of similars," the substance chosen to be diluted should, in non-homeopathic doses, produce an effect similar to what the disease is producing.



Steiners ulne hygge

ULV I FÅREKLÆR. Steinerbevegelsen er forlokkende i sin visuelle fremtoning. A-magasinet fremstiller den som en krysning mellom "Jul i skomakergata" og "Hair". Forført av fasaden til åndsforskere med okkult fasit.



Nullity - the Nonsense Number

Tons of folks have been writing to me this morning about the BBC story about an idiot math teacher who claims to have solved the problem of dividing by zero. This is an absolutely infuriating story, which does an excellent job of demonstrating what total innumerate idiots reporters are.

What this guy has done is invent a new number, which he calls "nullity". This number is not on the number line, can't be compared to other numbers by less than or greater than, etc. In other words, he's given a name to the basic mathematical concept of "undefined", and proclaimed that this is somehow a solution to a deep and important problem.

The thing is, there is no problem. We understand what division by zero means. You can't do it. There is no number that meaningfully expresses the concept of what it means to divide by zero.


Og jeg som postet den BBC artikkelen tidligere.


Youtube ateister

Som du kan lese her, så får du altså gratis DVD hvis du fornekter den hellige ånd på Youtube. Jeg syntes flere av de som fornektet den hellige ånd var så gode at jeg poster de her.

Her er en satanist som fornekter den hellige ånd, det skulle få enhver til å begynne å tenke.

Denne likte jeg nok aller best, første minuttet går litt tregt men så tar ting seg opp noe veldig:

Denne spinner litt over det samme, legg merke til sangen i bakgrunnen,


Olav den hellige, en skikkelig dust!

Les historien selv i Olav den helliges saga i Snorre eller les ett sammendrag som slett ikke er verst, her. Jeg er åpen for flengende kritikk angående min tolkning, for all del.

Det har seg da altså slik at det var nød i de nordre deler av landet, men ikke sør i Norge. Så Asbjørn Selsbane, en hederskar tvers igjennom virker det som, bestemmer seg for å dra på sør for å handle korn og hva annet en måtte trenge når det er nød. Han kommer til karmøy hvor det var en kongsgård bestyrt av en viss Tore Sel, som i historien fremstår som en komplett idiot. Da Asbjørn forteller at han ønsker å handle mat får han dette idiotiske svaret:

Kongen har forbudt å selge korn nordover. Reis hjem igjen, håløyg (nordlending). Det blir det beste for deg.

Siden det er nød, på ekte må vite, så drar Asbjørn til en slektning lenger sør og får ordnet med korn. Dette igjen blir avslørt på veien nord igjen av, ja du gjettet riktig, Tore Sel. Han bærer seg som en komplett idiot og tar ikke bare maten men også seilet i fra Asbjørn, hvilken drittsekk er det kongen har satt til å administrere?

Ett år eller så senere tar Asbjørn hevn ved å drepe Tore Sel, noe som kan virke som en berettiget handling alt tatt i betraktning. Dette igjen utvikler seg til at Olav den hellige til slutt blir drept i slaget ved Stiklestad noen år etter(les historien selv, hvis du synes jeg kortet det for mye).

Så fordi kongen bestemte at ingen i fra nord skulle få kjøpe korn, bare fordi (...?), så resulterte det altså i at han fikk ikke mindre enn tre banesår den 29. juli 1030.

Hvor mye av denne historien som er sann og korrekt gjengitt vet jeg ikke, man skulle jo tro at historien ville glatte noe over Olav sine skavanker med tiden, men det virker altså på meg som om Olav ikke kommer så godt ut av historien selv om han er "hellig". Jeg ser ingen god grunn til at Olav skulle nekte de nord å handle, de kan jo selvsagt finnes(jeg har ikke lest alt), men jeg ser ikke disse grunnene nevnt.

Men det jeg egentlig skulle nevne var hvordan Olav ble "den hellige", det er her jeg forholder meg en smule skeptisk:
Det skjer under med kong Olav

Tore Hund gikk dit kong Olavs lik var, og stelte det, la liket ned og bredde et klede over. Da han tørket blodet av ansiktet, fortalte han siden, var kongens ansikt så vakkert, og han var rød i kinnene som om han sov, og ansiktet var mye lysere enn det det hadde vært mens han levde. Da det kom blod fra kongen på hånden til Tore, grodde såret han hadde der så fort at han slapp å forbinde det. Så fort grodde det. Dette vitnet Tore Hund selv for alle mennesker da man begynte å snakke om at kong Olav var hellig. Tore Hund var den første av kongens motstandere som hevdet at kongen var hellig.

Der kong Olav hadde ligget på jorden, kom det opp en vakker kilde, og syke folk ble helbredet av det vannet. Det ble stelt omkring kilden, og det ble bygd et kapell der.

Det blir sagt at Olavskirken nå står der som skuret sto, som kongens lik ble lagt om natten etter slaget. Den ligger nå midt i byen. Biskopen tok vare på hår og negler fra kongen, for de hadde vokst som på en levende mann.

Det meste her er jo ting vi ikke kan teste i dag og ikke har jeg noe tro på det heller sånn sett, men denne kilden med vann burde jo ha eksistert den dag i dag, hvorfor glemte folk ut hvor den helsebringende kilden var hen? Sluttet den å virke, eller har den aldri eksistert kanskje?

Her har vi altså en i utgangspunktet ganske sann historie om ett stort slag i Norge men hvor deler av historien er oppdiktet og blir lagt til, og fortalt, som en del av den sanne historien. Kan dette være tilfelle med historien om Jesus også f.eks? Kan det være sånn at det faktisk var en Jesus som ble korsfestet, og at resten er bare oppdiktet tøys som blir lagt til i ettertid for dramatiske effekter? Det gir tross alt mer mening, siden det overnaturlige aldri skjer.

En ting jeg la merke til er at karene ofte sendte med ett godt ord med på veien til Åsgard av typen "Slik spidder vi bjørnene" Dette er jo det samme vi ser at Arnold gjør når han sier "I'll be back" og "Hasta la vista baby!". Hedenske skikker holdes i hevd den dag i dag.


torsdag, desember 14, 2006

Fornekt den hellige ånd og få gratis DVD!

Denne likte jeg veldig godt! Her må kommentarene sjekkes ut. Sekulær evangelisering kan vel dette kalles.


Julens kristne budskap?

Jeg har i det siste registrert reaksjoner fra flere kristne hold på at hverken NRKs eller TV2s julekalendre formidler julens såkalte "kristne budskap". Magazinets nettutgave hadde i uken en meningsmåling hvor spørsmålet var noe sånt som "Er du skuffet over at julekalenderne på NRK og TV2 ikke formidler det kristne julebudskapet?" 250-300 hadde svart, 10% nei og 90% ja. De kristne påstår gjerne at handelsstanden har "stjålet julen" fra dem og "glemt julens egentlige budskap". Man kan like eller ikke like kjøpepresset i denne tiden, men det er på høy tid å si disse kristne hvor skapet skal stå:

Julen er nemlig aldeles ikke kristen!

Resten i fra Blasfemiske ytringer


'Convert or die' game divides Christians Some ask Wal-Mart to drop Left Behind

Liberal and progressive Christian groups say a new computer game in which players must either convert or kill non-Christians is the wrong gift to give this holiday season and that Wal-Mart, a major video game retailer, should yank it off its shelves.

The Campaign to Defend the Constitution and the Christian Alliance for Progress, two online political groups, plan to demand today that Wal-Mart dump Left Behind: Eternal Forces, a PC game inspired by a series of Christian novels that are hugely popular, especially with teens.

The series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins is based on their interpretation of the Bible's Book of Revelation and takes place after the Rapture, when Jesus has taken his people to heaven and left nonbelievers behind to face the Antichrist.



Intet nytt fra konferansen i Iran?

Jeg har ihvertfall ikke sett noe, jeg er så spent på hva de kommer frem til. Vil de gå for en slags mellomløsning mon tro?

Mel Gibson er også veldig interessert i hva som foregår på konferansen, dette kan jo bli hans sjanse til å kunne si : "Ser dere nå at JEG hadde rett hele tiden!"


The Origins of Germania - Dream and Nightmare

As most people know, the Nazi ideology was imbued with the notion of a Great Germania, where was only room for people with pure German blood. Unfortunately, it didn't merely stay a dream. Germany tried to make it come true, and threw herself into extensive conquests and a purposeful annihilation of "inferior" peoples at home as well in the conquored areas. This was the first step towards the realization of a Great Germania cleansed of unwanted blood.



Plagiarism or memory glitch?

Inadvertent plagiarism complicates efforts to end cheating.

Teachers are constantly seeking to outfox would-be plagiarists. But there's a wrinkle: Plagiarism isn't always deliberate.

Indeed, research has shown that inadvertent plagiarism--or cryptomnesia, as psychologists have termed the phenomenon--is a rather common memory glitch that pervades everyday cognitive functioning.



The Authentic History Center

The Authentic History Center is comprised of images of artifacts and historic sounds from American popular culture. Just as the word "authentic" has various meanings, The AHC varies in function. On one level, it is intended to be an educational tool to teach students of history that the everyday objects in their lives often have genuine (authentic) historical value and can sometimes reflect the social consciousness of the era in which they were produced. "Authentic" can also be defined as conforming to fact, and therefore worthy of trust, reliance, or belief. To meet this definition by presenting an authentic interpretation of American history is the ultimate goal of the site, a goal that will take many years to achieve. But the process has begun. In some sections, you'll see that the collection has been analyzed and the results presented in essay form with a specific interpretive message. This has only been done when I am comfortable that the collection is large enough to be considered an authentic representation of the sources produced. More of these sections are being added all the time. The AHC also serves as a digital archive. A large audio collection of speeches and news broadcasts are presented for students to experience a level of authenticity apart from that of a written source only. The digital archive also serves as a repository of sources collected for a certain time period or event "thus far". The acquisition of sources is a time-consuming and expensive process. It's often a monumental task just to discover what artifacts exist, let alone locate and acquire them. As the collection grows, new images and sounds are added to the digital archive. I do not claim that these sections are exhaustive or even a fair representation of all the sources that were produced. Yet these sources have individual value, and so they are presented without comment for students of history to study. The AHC is an ambitious work-in-progress and always will be. As the collection grows, so too does my own understanding of American history. ~Michael Barnes



Views: 274



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Nkorho Pan is a natural water hole in the prestigious Sabi Sands Private Game Reserve, in South Africa. Nkorho pan is named after Nkorho bush Lodge which gets it name from the Shangaan derivative for the call of the yellow-billed hornbill, a common and unusual looking bird from this area.



onsdag, desember 13, 2006

The Transfiguration Of A Believer

I suppose my quest for truth started when I was around thirteen or fourteen, and our cat Alexandra died. Up until that time, I had never really given God or the afterlife much thought. I was vaguely an atheist, minus a two-week stint where I decided to become Catholic, but gave it up when I realized I didn't actually believe there was a God. But kneeling next to her, crying and shaking her body, I remember thinking "This isn't her. This isn't Alex, what made her who she was is gone." It's not the most earth-shattering revelation ever, but it started me on my journey that would, for the main part, always be characterized by one thing: need.



Godt nytt fra Nigeria


“Enochian” language: A proof of the existence of angels?

Elizabethan England hosted many interesting and influential personalities, from Francis Bacon, Walter Raleigh and Francis Drake to Herbert Spencer, Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare. In this milieu we also find the eccentric philosopher and scientist John Dee. He collected the empire’s biggest library, and his contributions to mathematics, cartography and navigation greatly influenced the age of English exploration and discovery. However, he was also an ardent explorer of the celestial realms: John Dee believed firmly in the existence of angels. Together with the alchemist Edward Kelley he conducted magical rituals in order to commune with the heavenly messengers. The result was a series of letter tables and verses in a previously unknown language. A proof of the existence of angels?



Protesters condemn Holocaust conference

A CONFERENCE of the world's most prominent Holocaust deniers opened in Iran yesterday amid international condemnation and protests by dozens of Iranian students, who burned pictures of president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and chanted "death to the dictator".

Never has the hardline leader, who was giving a speech at a university in Tehran yesterday, faced such open hostility at home.

Mer fra The Scotsman.


tirsdag, desember 12, 2006

Extreme New Species Discovered by Sea-Life Survey

A host of weird and wonderful discoveries from across the seven seas has been discovered this year, according to a global census of ocean life.

Heat-resistant volcanic shrimps, bacteria-farming furry crabs, and a giant species of lobster are among the finds made by marine scientists probing some of the world's deepest and remotest seas.

Hvorfor skapte gud disse artene her egentlig?





Charlie Chaplin Mask - Optical Illussion


Paulus’ grav kan være funnet

Vatikanets arkeologer har gravd fram en gammel sarkofag, i en krypt under alteret i den nest største kirka i Roma. Der hviler kanskje apostelen Paulus.


Hvorvidt man også skal sjekke hva som befinner seg inne i sarkofagen, har kirka enda ikke tatt noen stilling til.


mandag, desember 11, 2006

How to Stop Time

But the rabbit-hole goes much deeper. Quantum physics discovered that consciousness is entangled in matter in some inexplicable ways; but other than the very fast, or very small, or very large, we tend to assume our “ordinary” reality conforms more to the laws of Newton. Simple cause and effect unfolding with clockwork constancy —well, it’s time to shatter this assumption. Let’s stop time.




klikk på bildet å forstørre det og se etter


The Blasphemy Challenge

jeg gjør dette hver dag men jeg gidder ikke å filme det


Kritikk av Rudolf Steiner skoler

Dette er et åpent forum for foreldre o.a. med erfaring fra Steinerskolen i Norge. Vi som redigerer siden var både lærere og foreldre ved Steinerskolen i mange år. Vi erfarte at Steinerskolen ikke fremsto som et godt pedagogisk alternativ, men som en sekterisk bevegelse. Vi ble svært skeptiske til det antroposofiske menneskesynet og de religiøse spekulasjonene Steinerskolen drives på grunnlag av.



The Racial Teachings of Rudolf Steiner

Anthroposophs have long rejected the accusations of racist origins in Anthroposophy - there simply are no racist skeletons in the closet. 1, 2 This article will investigate just what the inventor of Anthroposophy, Rudolf Steiner 3 actually said about human races.

If you are a serious student of Steiner's writings, it quickly becomes obvious that the question of human races was not immaterial. Steiner returned again and again, and often quite detailed, to the origins and characteristics of human races. This is an important part of his writings on the progress and development of humanity. How do you get a black skin color?



Astounding Improbable Science Adventure

It was the tenth year of the great and harrowing war that threatened to see the whole world swallowed up by the yellow tide of Nippon. With their Asiatic allies, the Nipponese had embarked on a brutal conquest of the planet and only the United States and Moon of America and its frail ally Canada still stood before the onslaught. 1977 A.D. found the last Sky Armies of the Occidentals fighting against the unstoppable hordes of the Nipponese over the CentroAmerica region. The night skies flashed with electro bolts and boiled with the staccato hiss of radio beamers. If the United States and Moon could not turn back this assault then it would be the end of the Caucasian race.

Sky Pilot Douglas Arrow of the United States Scout Rocket 19th Squadron was on patrol over the Mexicano territory. He was flying at an altitude of 90 miles at speeds approaching almost 155 miles an hour in his Scout Rocket. He wore the blue metal flight suit of the Occidentals, allowing him to operate in the high pressure of the upper atmosphere where cosmic waves might blind him.

He checked the settings of his deadly radio beamers and then turned his Scout Rocket into a steep dive with at twist of one of the maneuver dials. He looked down one last time at his lucky ring, given to him by the favored womanoid that he planned to make his wife. He kissed it as if he were kissing her and it tasted like Moon gems. Below him was the huge and ferocious shape of a Nipponese war zeppelin, large as a gigantic armored cigar and laden with horroronium gas bombs that would be dropped on the cities of the Caucasians in Texas and New Mexico.




(Dagbladet.no): Iran åpnet mandag en omstridt konferanse om nazistenes jødeutryddelse der flere kontroversielle forskere deltar.

Her er noen av de som er invitert: Robert Faurisson, Frederick Töben og David Duke. Med slike prominente holocaustbenektere på listen så ligger utfallet av konferansen sånn noenlunde opp i dagen.

Jeg ser at det ene spørsmålet som de skal prøve å besvare er hvorvidt det døde 6 millioner jøder under krigen. Såvidt meg bekjent så er dette ett spørsmål sånn noenlunde åpent for debatt siden det ikke eksisterer komplette arkiver hvor dette blir dokumentert, disse ble tilintetgjort mot slutten av krigen. Så da er det ikke så vanskelig å så en viss tvil om det var akkurat 6 millioner eller ett annet tall som er det riktige. Nizkor project svarer her på spørsmålet om hvor mange som døde. Wikipedia nevner at det kan ha vært mellom fem og syv millioner.

Er det muligens en slags ironi at de som ønsker at det skal ha dødd færrest mulig jøder under annen verdenskrig er de samme som mener at det bør dø flest mulig jøder i dag?


søndag, desember 10, 2006

Talking Randi med Correx Archives

5 korte intervjuer med James Randi med Correx Archives som du kan høre her.

Sjekk ut resten av Correx Archives for flere programmer. Du kommer til å bli overasket over hvor mye informasjon radioprogrammer på under 5 minutter kan gi.




I receive many mails from angry Muslims who sometimes beg me and sometimes order me to remove this site. None of that has any effect on me. I consider both pleading and bullying, the signs of psychopathology, which stem from a variety of personality disorders affecting the followers of Muhammad.

If you disagree with my site and want me to remove it, instead of acting as bully or as victim, I invite you to disprove my charges against Muhammad and Islam. If you can show that what I say is unfounded I promise to remove this site not before confessing that I was wrong and Islam is a true religion. I will also pay

$50,000 U.S. dollars

to anyone who can disprove my charges and prove Islam is a true religion in an objective (not subjective) way. This is to thank you for showing me the right way. Hey, what is $50.000 dollars compared to being burned and tortured by a sadistic deity?

Les resten her.


James Randi and the Cottingley Fairies