mandag, desember 11, 2006

The Racial Teachings of Rudolf Steiner

Anthroposophs have long rejected the accusations of racist origins in Anthroposophy - there simply are no racist skeletons in the closet. 1, 2 This article will investigate just what the inventor of Anthroposophy, Rudolf Steiner 3 actually said about human races.

If you are a serious student of Steiner's writings, it quickly becomes obvious that the question of human races was not immaterial. Steiner returned again and again, and often quite detailed, to the origins and characteristics of human races. This is an important part of his writings on the progress and development of humanity. How do you get a black skin color?



Michael said...

Racism is an inner condition, which only occurs in the conceited.
We understand that humanity as a whole, is a whole.
The establishment of a Universal Brotherhood was always the aim of the Theosophical Society.

Helge said...

Doesnt make any sense to me, does one need a Theosophical Society for anything at all?

And whats up with the Atlantis story, do you believe in that as well?