Homeopati er bevisst svindel
Ingen nyhet akkurat, men det er flott å se at Dagbladet skriver noe fornuftig.
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Etiketter: kvakksalveri/alternativ medisin | skepsis
We have featured many many Japanese shows here @ haha.nu. This one aims to answer this very essential question: When the world record holder for race walk is under life-threatening danger, would he run or walk?
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Etiketter: Zack Parsons
This website is dedicated to helping people who are still serving long prison sentences received during the "ritual abuse" panic of the late eighties and early nineties. During this time, scores of innocent people were accused by overzealous social workers and police of heinous crimes against children.
In time, the hysteria subsided and most people were freed from prison (although many had spent years in prison and had been bankrupted by the process). It was discovered that the young children had been virtually brainwashed by the leading questions and repeated interrogations of social workers, therapists and law enforcement officials. Therefore, their wild testimony about animal sacrifice, devil worship, travelling in submarines, secret tunnels, and flying to secret locations where they were molested were fabrications, mostly without a shred of truth.
But incredibly, some people still remain in prison, forgotten and powerless.
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Etiketter: kvakksalveri/alternativ medisin | psykologi | skepsis
For the first time in history, all the significant literary, artistic, and scientific works of mankind can be digitally preserved and made freely available, in every corner of the world, for our education, study, and appreciation and that of all our future generations.
Up until now, the transmission of our cultural heritage has depended on limited numbers of copies in fragile media. The fires of Alexandria irrevocably severed our access to any of the works of the ancients. In a thousand years, only a few of the paper documents we have today will survive the ravages of deterioration, loss, and outright destruction. With no more than 10 million unique book and document editions before the year 1900, and perhaps 100 million since the beginning of recorded history, the task of preservation is much larger. With new digital technology, though, this task is within the reach of a single concerted effort for the public good, and this effort can be distributed to libraries, museums, and other groups in all countries.
Existing archives of paper have many shortcomings. Many other works still in existence today are rare, and only accessible to a small population of scholars and collectors at specific geographic locations. A single wanton act of destruction can destroy an entire line of heritage. Furthermore, contrary to the popular beliefs, the libraries, museums, and publishers do not routinely maintain broadly comprehensive archives of the considered works of man. No one can afford to do this, unless the archive is digital.
Digital technology can make the works of man permanently accessible to the billions of people all over the world. Andrew Carnegie and other great philanthropists in past centuries have recognized the great potential of public libraries to improve the quality of life and provide opportunity to the citizenry. A universal digital library, widely available through free access on the Internet, will improve the global society in ways beyond measurement. The Internet can house a Universal Library that is free to the people.
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Etiketter: arkeologi/historie | vitenskap
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Etiketter: Horror/Halloween | kornsirkler | Paranormal | skepsis | UFO | video
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Etiketter: humor | konspirasjon | medisin | video
Diagnoser om multippel personlighetsforstyrrelse gikk som en pest i terapimiljøer på 1980- og 1990-tallet. Etter en rekke rettssaker ble det tynnet i rekkene av multippelterapeuter. I senere tid har de imidlertid blitt mer synlige igjen. En bestselgende amerikansk bok i 2007 handler om multippelterapi og blir ukritisk motatt. I Norge reiser disossiasjonsteoretiske arvtagere rundt og holder kurs for enhver traumebehandler som er interessert - og det er de. Denne artikkelen av August Piper skulle egentlig vært publisert i Skepsis i år 2000, men ble da lagt til side. Det er med en viss bekymring vi tar den frem igjen.
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Etiketter: kvakksalveri/alternativ medisin | psykologi | skepsis
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Etiketter: Ateisme/Naturalisme | religion | video
A 14-YEAR-OLD New Zealand girl has had her eyeballs gouged by relatives who thought she was possessed by the devil.
The girl was the cousin of Janet Moses, a 22-year-old mother of two who died on October 12 during the same ceremony to lift a Maori makutu (curse), the Dominion Post newspaper reported today.
Relatives gouged her eyes because they believed they saw the devil in them, and poured water down her throat.
They finally took the teenager who was close to death to the Hutt Hospital, near Wellington, where she needed emergency treatment to save her sight.
It was earlier reported that about 40 people were at the ceremony last month and the teenager was taken to hospital, but the full extent of her injuries was not known.
During the ceremony family members gazed into each others' eyes to judge whether they were cursed and treated anybody believed tainted, the paper said.
Moses also had her eyes gouged, and had grazes on her upper body, before she drowned in the bid to drive out the Maori curse relatives reportedly thought was brought after her sister stole a stone lion statue from a pub.
She was dead for about nine hours before police were called and a homicide investigation is ongoing, with police seeking help from Maori experts.
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Etiketter: religion
SCIENCE, we are repeatedly told, is the most reliable form of knowledge about the world because it is based on testable hypotheses. Religion, by contrast, is based on faith. The term “doubting Thomas” well illustrates the difference. In science, a healthy skepticism is a professional necessity, whereas in religion, having belief without evidence is regarded as a virtue.
The problem with this neat separation into “non-overlapping magisteria,” as Stephen Jay Gould described science and religion, is that science has its own faith-based belief system. All science proceeds on the assumption that nature is ordered in a rational and intelligible way. You couldn’t be a scientist if you thought the universe was a meaningless jumble of odds and ends haphazardly juxtaposed. When physicists probe to a deeper level of subatomic structure, or astronomers extend the reach of their instruments, they expect to encounter additional elegant mathematical order. And so far this faith has been justified.
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Etiketter: pseudovitenskap
I’ve wanted to critique Kate Chatfield’s philosophical diatribe for some time. It can be found on the Society of Homeopath’s (SoH) website.
The main reasons for my interest were that when I first came across this piece I was immediately struck by it’s misrepresentation of clinical evidence and the philosophy of science.
I claim no special skill in philosophy, but a second-year undergraduate course sparked an interest which has stayed with me. I may not be an expert, but I’ve read Popper and Lakatos. I also have a passing acquaintance with the works of Kuhn. So I think I know when someone is not telling it how it is.
Having engaged my attention, the commentary on this piece has ended up being rather long, so I’ve provided an index.
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Etiketter: kvakksalveri/alternativ medisin | pseudovitenskap | skepsis
Deicide - Deicide
Roadrunner Records, 1990
Liker du ondskapsfull old school death metal med satanistisk lyrikk har du sikkert allerede hørt om Deicide. De er uten tvil definisjonen satanistisk death metal og derfor det mest kjente bandet i sjangeren.
Riffene er den gode gamle sorten som gjør death metal til nettopp death metal. Brutale, vrengte og morbide. Trommingen er intens som bare faen, og sammen med riffene fører de til at lytteren begynner å headbange for harde livet.
Vokalen til Glen Benton er en ond growling som bare han kan lage. Den er rå og brutal, men du kan høre hver eneste ord klart og tydelig bare du følger med. Lyrikken er selvsagt om å drepe kristne og hylle Satan.
Death metal blir ikke særlig mer satanistisk eller mer klassisk enn dette.
Dette er egentlig alt du trenger å vite om dette albumet og resten av Deicide sin musikk karriere. Dette albumet er en av de store death metal klassikerne fra 1990 og liker du death metal av den onde gamle sorten er det ingen grunn til å unngå Deicide.
Raw In Sect er et teknisk death metal band fra Hellas. De har gitt ut en demo i år og du kan høre den på deres Myspace.
Denne gladnyheten glemte jeg å poste sist gang, så jeg poster den nå.
HELLHAMMER Demos To Be Officially Released
There exist countless HELLHAMMER demo bootlegs, but they all utterly fail to capture the true aura, to represent the band as it actually was. They have been compiled from dismal multi-generation copies of the original tapes, and they are invariably riddled with factual and historical errors or outright lies. Former HELLHAMMER members Tom Gabriel Fischer, Martin Eric Ain, and Steve Warrior have decided to rectify this situation once and for all. "Demon Entrails" is the first official release of the legendary HELLHAMMER demos "Death Fiend"/"Triumph of Death" and "Satanic Rites" since the original limited cassette editions in 1983.
This release has been specially re-mastered from copies of the original master tapes under the supervision of Tom Gabriel Fischer, and the demos now represent HELLHAMMER exactly as the band sounded when recording these songs in June and December of 1983. Drawing from a wealth of previously unknown historical material and artwork as well as hundreds of unreleased HELLHAMMER photos from 1982 to 1984, "Demon Entrails" will also feature all lyrics and essays detailing the individual demo recording sessions.
"Demon Entrails" will be released as an opulent oversized double CD and as a gatefold triple vinyl album. Both versions will feature a lavish booklet and a poster. There will also be a third, bare-bones low-price CD version, designed to cater to markets which will not carry the standard CD due to its irregular size.
The release is scheduled for February 2008, through Prowling Death Records/Century Media.
From the forthcoming book "Only Death is Real - An Illustrated History of Hellhammer and early Celtic Frost", by Tom Gabriel Fischer:
"HELLHAMMER was much maligned, both during its existence and for years afterwards. It was maligned not only by much of the press and most of the metal audience, but also by me and several other former band members. It was, for a long time, difficult for most of us to come to terms with HELLHAMMER's often chaotic and radically varied legacy. Moreover, it was frequently very challenging to come to terms with how others interpreted HELLHAMMER and how they referred to and expanded upon what we had once created.
"It took years for the accumulated unease to subside. It took years to disassociate ourselves from the perceived stigma, and to be able to properly evaluate HELLHAMMER within our own, very personal context. What many others knew long before me took quite a while for me to identify: that it was perfectly fair and overdue that we looked at HELLHAMMER realistically and in a manner sufficiently dignified to do justice to the work of a number of very unique people who shared the same vision at a very unique point in time."
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Etiketter: metal søndag
Miro er slett ikke verst. Jeg ser at det per i dag er 2960 kanaler om alt mulig slags rart. Jeg finner Discovery, National Geographic etc, men ingenting om Randi, Dawkins, skepsis, ateisme etc.
Jeg håper det vil endre seg snarest.
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Etiketter: video
Doctor-Pastor Mullby,
The board has reviewed the research grants for this year and I thought it would be a good idea for you to have a look before we return the notices on the applications. If you want to discuss any of our decisions or would like me to pray some more on the list then just give me a call. Judy should have my number.
With God's Love,
Doctor-Pastor Hillock T. Quivers
Chairman of the Board
IACS Research Oversight
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Etiketter: humor | kreasjonisme | Zack Parsons
På TFT sin side fant jeg reklame for ett lekkert produkt. På hjemmesiden til produktet fant jeg følgende informasjon. Jeg har fremhevet ett par ting i rødt.
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Tel Aviv University archaeologists are studying Tel Megiddo, the New Testament location of "Armageddon," and unearthing truths about King Solomon.
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Etiketter: arkeologi/historie | bibel
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Etiketter: James Randi | magi | skepsis | video
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Etiketter: James Randi | skepsis | video
The camera may not lie, but doctored photos do according to new research into digitally altered photos and how they influence our memories and attitudes toward public events.
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Etiketter: psykologi
«For Drapet av Norges fiende nr 1. Siden krek gjemmer seg bak ytringsfriheten og oppfordrer til drap på fiender av Islam som han kaller oss starter jeg herved en gruppe for folk som er villige til å donere penger for å gi en viss person en kule i Panna»
Hvoretter Meling fyrer løs:
- Dette er en regulær drapstrussel. Jeg regner med at politiet ser alvoret i dette og etterforsker de involverte. Spørsmålet er om alle de 400 her kan ha vært delaktige å inngå drapsforbund, sa han til avisen.
Noen som husker Ondskapens yppersteprest ?
Eller en Whimsical?
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Etiketter: skepsis
Some of us are bogging down in a debate over whether the promotion of secular humanism should involve "bashing" religion, or whether we should only focus on presenting humanism in a positive light. The answer is that both are necessary components of the secular humanist message, depending on the individual circumstances of each encounter, each audience, and each forum.
When speaking to college women, for instance, it may be necessary to show them examples of the indefensible way that the bible denigrates women. A more watered-down presentation may not sufficiently motivate such students seriously to re-examine conventional assumptions about conventional religion. Helping today's university students become indignant over the absurdities of religious dogma is an essential part of persuading them to consider a secular alternative. If we don't start, very soon, to replenish our ranks with young people, out future will be dim.
There is definitely a time and place to make religion look as ridiculous as it actually is. There is also a time and place to emphasize the opportunities awaiting a person who lives a life free of superstition. Overall, however, one cannot be done without the other. We cannot just approach college students and members of the general public by preaching the virtues of a life free from supernaturalism without giving examples of how and why religious beliefs are absurd and divisive.
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Etiketter: Ateisme/Naturalisme | religion
Rett nok finnes det jødiske pressgrupper, noen av dem med betydelig politisk innflytelse, men det finnes ingen "jødelobby".Fritanke
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Etiketter: Richard Dawkins
A court in the ultra-conservative kingdom of Saudi Arabia is punishing a female victim of gang rape with 200 lashes and six months in jail, a newspaper reported on Thursday.
The 19-year-old woman -- whose six armed attackers have been sentenced to jail terms -- was initially ordered to undergo 90 lashes for "being in the car of an unrelated male at the time of the rape," the Arab News reported.
But in a new verdict issued after Saudi Arabia's Higher Judicial Council ordered a retrial, the court in the eastern town of Al-Qatif more than doubled the number of lashes to 200.
A court source told the English-language Arab News that the judges had decided to punish the woman further for "her attempt to aggravate and influence the judiciary through the media."
Saudi Arabia enforces a strict Islamic doctrine known as Wahhabism and forbids unrelated men and women from associating with each other, bans women from driving and forces them to cover head-to-toe in public.
Last year, the court sentenced six Saudi men to between one and five years in jail for the rape as well as ordering lashes for the victim, a member of the minority Shiite community.
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Etiketter: islam
Twisted Sister - Under the Blade
Secret, 1982
Twisted Sister bled dannet i 1972 og er derfor kanskje det eldste amerikanske metal bandet som fremdeles er aktivt i dag. De var riktignok et glam rock band i begynnelsen, men etter at Dee Snider ble med i 1976 og tok over låt skrivingen gikk over til å spille solid heavy metal.
Under the Blade er bandets første album og er uten tvil noe av det mest solide den amerikanske metal scenen hadde å by på i 1982. Mange forbinner Twisted Sister med de mer kommersielle albumene de gav ut senere på 80-tallet, men Under the Blade er 110 % ekte heavy metal (noe som betyr at man kan ta bort 10 % og sitte fremdeles med 100 % ekte metal).
Hver gang jeg setter på dette albumet blir jeg positivt overasket hvor bra det er. Det er ikke sånn at jeg glemmer det, men det er bare så utrolig hvor effektive noen enkle riff kan være. Dessuten er dette et relativt tungt album til å være fra 1982, spesielt med tanke på at mange av disse låtene ble skrevet på slutten av 70-tallet da Dee Snider ble med i bandet.
Under the Blade er fylt opp med solide riff, gode gitarsoloer og ikke minst vokalen til Dee Snider som er som skapt for 80-talls metal. Vokalen er tøff og klar, så du trenger ikke noe lyrikkhefte for å få med deg lyrikken.
For å si det kort og greit, liker du metal kommer du til å like dette albumet.
Eneste som gjenstår å påpeke er at I'll Never Grow Up Now!, som er bonusspor på så godt som alle utgaver av dette albumet utgitt etter 1984, definerer hva det vil si å være en metalhead bedre enn hvilken som helst Manowar eller Judas Priest sang kan.
Methadol er et heavy metal band fra Frankrike. De har gitt ut en selvfinansiert EP i år og du kan høre to låter fra den på deres Myspace.
Nå over til metal musikkvideoer.
Pagan Altar - Judgement of the Dead
Thor - Devastation of Musculation
Før Manowar ble dannet var det Thor som var konge over muskel metal.
Sublime Cadaveric Decomposition - xx.11.02
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Etiketter: metal søndag
James Randi, The Amazing One himself, shares his experiences and adventures in the worlds of science, skepticism and magic. Hosted by Justin Robert Young.
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Etiketter: James Randi
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Etiketter: Paranormal | skepsis | video
For some families, the cancer diagnosis of a child strengthens existing religious ties or prompts new ones. Now, a new study by researchers at Brandeis University and the University at Buffalo - SUNY in Pediatric Hematology and Oncology reports that while most pediatric oncologists say they are spiritual, and many are open to connecting with the families of very sick children through religion or spirituality, they typically lack the formal healthcare training that could help them build such bridges.
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At least 30 members of a Russian doomsday cult have barricaded themselves in a remote cave to await the end of the world and are threatening to commit suicide if police intervene, officials and media said on Thursday.
"They have covered the entrance and refuse to come out and are threatening to blow themselves up," an official in the local prosecutor's office told Reuters by telephone. "They threaten to detonate a gas tank and blow themselves up."
The cult members, who include 29 adults and four children, are hidden inside a snow-covered hillside in the Penza region of central Russia. A Penza police spokeswoman said they had moved into the dug-out on November 7.
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Etiketter: Dommedagsbevegelser | religion
The Colorado Supreme Court cleared the way Tuesday for an anti-abortion group to collect signatures for a ballot measure that would define a fertilized egg as a person.
The court approved the language of the proposal, rejecting a challenge from abortion-rights supporters who argued it was misleading and dealt with more than one subject in violation of the state constitution.
If approved by voters, the measure would give fertilized eggs the state constitutional protections of inalienable rights, justice and due process.
"Proponents of this initiative have publicly stated that the goal is to make all abortion illegal — but nothing in the language of the initiative or its title even mentions abortion," Kathryn Wittneben of NARAL Pro-Choice Colorado said in a statement. "If that's not misleading, I don't know what is."
Wittneben and others said the measure would have would hamper in-vitro fertilization and stem cell research and would effectively ban birth control.
Proponents of the measure disagree.
"It doesn't outlaw abortion, it doesn't regulate birth control," said Kristi Burton, 20, of Colorado for Equal Rights. "It's just a constitutional principle. We're laying a foundation that every life deserves protection.
Burton said the initiative would simply define a human.
"It's very clearly a single subject," Burton said. "If it's a human being, it's a person, and hey, they deserve equal rights under our law."
Colorado for Equal Rights must collect 76,000 signatures to get the measure on the ballot. Supporters have six months to gather the necessary signatures — a deadline that began with the collection of the first signatures Tuesday, said Rich Coolidge, a spokesman for the secretary of state.
Anti-abortion activists said similar voter-led initiatives or legislative efforts are under way in five other states, including Montana, Georgia, Oregon, Michigan and South Carolina.
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Etiketter: protestantisk/evangelistisk kristendom
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Etiketter: James Randi | Paranormal | Uri Geller | video
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Etiketter: pseudovitenskap | skepsis | video
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Etiketter: kvakksalveri/alternativ medisin | Paranormal | skepsis | video
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Etiketter: juks og bedrageri | Paranormal | skepsis
Vg har som overskrift - Blir syke av trådløse nettverk. Så vidt jeg skjønner det så er det fylkeslegen Jan Vaage som har fått ett, for oss, ukjent antall henvendelser i fra mennesker som nå føler seg syke. Jeg betviler hverken trøtthet, kvalme eller hodepine men hvordan klarte de å finne ut at årsaken til disse plagene kommer i fra ett trådløst nett? Paracet selges da over hele landet og ikke bare i nærheten av trådløse nettverk.
Hvis jeg ikke tar helt feil så var ikke stråling i fra høyspentlinjer, mikrobølgeovner og mobiltelefoner farlig, men nå har vi altså en ny strålingsfrekvens som vi skal være redd for.
Jeg forholder meg en smule skeptisk til denne nye trusselen mot menneskeheten. Jeg er faktisk langt mer redd for å bli spist av hai enn for å få en ganske mild hodepine av Wifi stråling.
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Michael Mukasey was confirmed by the Senate on Thursday as the new United States attorney general. Six Democrats crossed party lines to vote in favor of Mukasey's confirmation, bringing the total to 53 to 44. The confirmation was controversial in large part because Mukasey refused to denounce the procedure known as waterboarding as torture. The tone of Mukasey's answers on the subject is probably best represented by a brief exchange with Rhode Island Democrat and fancily-named dandy Sheldon Whitehouse.
SEN. SHELDON WHITEHOUSE: So is waterboarding constitutional?
MICHAEL MUKASEY: I don't know what's involved in the technique. If waterboarding is torture, torture is not constitutional.
Mukasey's confusion over the issue of waterboarding is completely understandable. It's not as if TV news has been discussing waterboarding for more than three years. It's not like he has access to some sort of amazing searchable network of information that could provide him with answers about "what is involved in the technique." People in his position don't have time for such things as time-consuming research. They have the real business of administering justice to worry about.
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Etiketter: humor | Krig/folkemord/tortur | Zack Parsons
Mennesker i Vesten har vært fascinert av Mayakulturen helt siden gjennoppdagelsen av ruinbyen i dagens Palenque, Mexico, i 1773. Allerede på den tiden ble man også fascinert over mayaenes tilsynelatende besettelse med å måle ulike komplekse tidssykluser. I dag er mayenes systemer for å måle tiden oftest forbundet med et nært forestående Ragnarok: Den 21. desember 2012. Hvorfor? – og med hvor gode grunner?
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Darkthrone - Panzerfaust
Moonfog Productions, 1995
Darkthrone er i min mening kongene av black metal. Tusenvis av band har prøvd å kopiere dem, men ingen har klart å gjenskape det geniale og ekte black metal følelsen Darkthrone har. En fantastisk egenskap Darkthrone har er at alle albumene deres er veldig forskjellige fra hverandre, men samtidig er det ingen tvil at det er Darkthrone man hører på i det øyeblikket man setter på et av deres album.
Panzerfaust åpner med En Vind Av Sorg som sender lytteren inn i et mørkt og iskald natt i en mørk skog med 30 minusgrader og snøstorm. Det er nå i alle fall den følelsen jeg får av å høre på den låten. Neste låt er Triumphant Gleam som har en fantastisk Celtic Frost følelse over seg (som går igjen i alle låtene). Jeg kunne gått igjennom alle låtene og forklart hvorfor de er gode (eller kanskje rettere sagt onde), men det er bedre at lytteren finne ut av det selv.
Dette albumet kan beskrives som veldig organisk. Riffene flyter perfekt, så perfekt at jeg er fristet til å sammenligne dem med klassisk musikk. Det er umulig for meg å beskrive dem bedre enn dette. Alt flyter så rent og pent, men samtidig er musikken rå og stygg slik black metal skal være.
En annen ting man legger merke til er vokalen til Nocturno Culto. Den er veldig fremme i lydbildet og det er ikke alle som liker det. Personlig har jeg ingen problemer med den, men jeg tenkte det var greit med en advarsel til dere som måtte være overfølsom pingler.
Dette albumet er enda en solid klassiker fra Darkthrone og du har ingen grunn til å unngå Panzerfaust hvis du liker ekte black metal.
The Vala er et amerikansk viking/melodiøst death metal band som har gitt ut 2 demoer og en selvfinansiert EP. Du kan høre dem på deres Myspace.
Jeg var på konsert på Glassheim i går og så Triosphere og legendariske W.A.S.P.
Det var ekstra mye folk der den gangen, så stanken av sur svette, øl og promp var betydelig sterkere enn vanlig. Triosphere var gode, men kunne hatt bedre lyd. De er absolutt et bra band og er du ute etter god heavy metal er de absolutt verd å sjekke ut.
W.A.S.P. var selvsagt fantastiske. Noe av det som overasket meg var at de ikke spilte fra det nye albumet, men spilte hele settet fra The Crimson Idol fra 1992.
Derfor åpner jeg denne utgavens metal musikkvideoer med
W.A.S.P - Arena Of Pleasure
Gloomy Grim - Children Of The Underworld
Bongzilla - Grim Reefer
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Etiketter: metal søndag
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Etiketter: konspirasjon | Phil Plait | skepsis | video
Rosemary Hunter will be arriving at the JREF around 2:30pm on November 12th.
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Etiketter: James Randi | Paranormal | skepsis
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Etiketter: Ateisme/Naturalisme | David Attenborough | religion | video
Im having trouble getting a chemical reaction using the iodine. However, I now have a bunch of dead spots in my yard where I cant get grass to grow. WTF man??
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Etiketter: humor | juks og bedrageri | skepsis | video
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Etiketter: kvakksalveri/alternativ medisin | Scientologikirken | skepsis | video
Denne historien fra Orac er bare trist: Religion and refusing medical treatment: Would you die for your religion?
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Etiketter: bibel | kvakksalveri/alternativ medisin | medisin | religion | vitenskap
The most famous UFO skeptic is Phillip Klass. He has written many books on UFOs as well as articles for aviation magazines such as Aviation Week. He is also one of the original founders of CSICOP, the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal.
UFOlogical principle 1
"Basically honest and intelligent persons who are suddenly exposed to a brief, unexpected event, especially one that involves an unfamiliar object, may be grossly inaccurate in trying to describe precisely what they have seen."
Comment: Grasping to explain something that you have never seen or heard before can be quite a task. Think of how an Australian Aboriginee would describe a computer, if he saw it for the first time. If you didn't know what a spaceship really looked like, how could you be expected to describe it correctly? Unless, of course, the spaceship looked peculiarly like those from out of Hollywood...
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For de som ikke har fått det med seg har Dagens Ateist laget en bloggroll.
Som mange sikkert har sett, så finnes det en bloggroll for ateister på engelsk laget av Mojoey. Ettersom jeg vet det finnes mange bra blogger på norsk, svensk og dansk, så syntes jeg det var på tide at noen lagde noe tilsvarende for Skandinavia. Så her er den! Jeg legger gjerne inn islandske og finske blogger også, så lenge de ikke er på engelsk. Har du en engelskspråklig blogg, så bruk Mojoeys.
Jeg har tenkt å bruke de samme kriteriene som Mojoey. Bloggene må være skrevet ut fra et ateistisk/agnostisk synspunkt og helst bli oppdatert jevnlig. Med mindre det teknisk sett er umulig vil jeg gjerne at du legger inn koden på bloggen din. Jeg rydder selvsagt bort døde og useriøse blogger i bloggrollen med jevne mellomrom! Helt OK om du også skriver om andre ting, bare du også skriver om ateisme, religionskritikk i ny og ne.
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Etiketter: Ateisme/Naturalisme
Massimo Pigliucci is certainly correct in saying that “it is important for anyone interested in critical thinking and science to understand the difference between deduction and induction” (“Elementary, Dear Watson” May/June 2003). However, it has been several decades since logicians have defined that difference in terms of going from general to particulars or vice versa. His own example of deduction belies the problem. It doesn’t go from the general to the particular but from one general and one particular statement to another particular statement. All men are mortal. Socrates is a man. Therefore, Socrates is mortal. General statements aren’t needed at all in the premises of some deductive arguments. For example, “Socrates is a stonemason. Socrates is a philosopher. Therefore, at least one stonemason is a philosopher.” This is a valid deductive argument. “Rumsfeld is arrogant. Rumsfeld is Republican. Therefore, all Republicans are arrogant” is also a deductive argument, though an invalid one, going from particulars to the general.
Induction, says Pigliucci, “seeks to go from particular facts to general statements.” That is true sometimes, but not all the time. Jones was late yesterday so he’ll probably be late today is an inductive argument. I admit it is not a cogent argument, but cogency is a different matter.
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Etiketter: skepsis
In recent years, the view that religious belief and participation in religious acts of worship has a positive effect upon the well-being of man has repeatedly been publicized in the German-speaking sphere by high-circulation magazines such as Der Spiegel and popular-science periodicals like Psychologie Heute, which cite epidemiological inquiries and quantitative research.1 These articles also suggest that religious people are able to cope with crises in their lives, with stress and psycho-social conflicts, more easily and develop highly effective coping strategies; moreover, they state that faith has a positive effect upon psychological and even physical health. A mass inquiry conducted in 1992 among members of the two major churches in Germany (Roman Catholic and Lutheran Protestant), for example, revealed that self-perceived satisfaction with life was more than 10% higher among regular church-goers than among those who do not go to church. This statement, among others, seemed to confirm the results of previous extensive studies, all of them suggesting that devout and practicing adherents of a religion were generally less prone to depression than persons who were brought up in religious faith but had turned away from church later in their lives.2 Other inquiries that were conducted among smaller populations, too, lead to the assumption “that religion has a slight positive sum effect on self-perceptions of happiness.” In his essay “Can Religion Make You Happy?” (FI, Summer 1998), John F. Schumaker gives a survey of seven quantitative studies dealing directly with the two variables, and of 20 others that operated with components of “happiness,” all of them rendering more or less the same results.3
These kinds of studies have repeatedly been criticized, and rightly so, pointing out that the effects described are not the result of religious belief but of other factors, such as social support, conformity, etc. On no account does this mean, however, that the results of these studies can be rejected altogether. But the question arises as to whether they were not principally distorted by a systematic error made in designing and performing the studies. All of the studies mentioned have a serious methodological deficiency: none of them examines a control group of determined atheists whose psychic condition is, for example, compared to that of groups of half-hearted wavering atheists and groups of persons ranging from the only slightly religious to religious fanatics. Moreover, the epidemiological studies suppress the fact that the absolute number of determined atheists in the total population is very small in relation to the number of more or less religious people. By no means, however, may the unequal distribution of the two groups within the basic total number play a part in a qualitative comparison between them. This fact has to be given due consideration with any experimental design if it really is to meet the methodological criteria.
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Etiketter: Ateisme/Naturalisme | psykologi | religion | skepsis
THE tradition regarding Jesus is so glamorous that it is difficult to review his life and character with an unbiased mind. While Fundamentalists and Modernists differ regarding the divinity of Christ, all Christians and many non-Christians still cling to preconceived notions of the perfection of Jesus. He alone among men is revered as all-loving, omniscient, faultless -- an unparalleled model for mankind.
This convention of the impeccability of Jesus is so firmly established that any insinuation of error on his part is deemed a blasphemy. Doubting Jesus is more impious than mocking God Almighty. Jehovah may be exposed to some extent with impunity; a God who destroyed 70,000 of his chosen people because their king took a census [Chron. xxi.] is too illogical for any but theologians to worship. But the Son of God, or Son of man, is sacro-sanct. Jesus is reverenced as the one man who has lived unspotted by the world, free from human foibles, able to redeem mankind by his example.
Respect for the principles of Jesus is so inbred in American people of all faiths that an attempt to disparage his worth is denounced as bad taste. The detractor is suspected of being an immoral person, no matter how convincing may be the proof which he presents. A conspiracy of silence is directed against any system of ethics advanced as superior to the Sermon on the Mount. In popular opinion Jesus never made a mistake; all his teachings were infallible; no other view is tolerated.
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Etiketter: Jesus-myten
I remember my decision to question. I had been defending creation in an online debate. I could see the futility in trying to convince scientists that the world was 6000 years old, or that the fossil record was formed during Noah's flood. Could I even convince myself anymore? My position was becoming unclear. Should I consider switching to old-earth creation? That idea was difficult to accept, but I was finding it even more difficult to believe in a young earth. What was I to do? Along came a newbie, and he announced that he had all the answers. He informed us that the noted Christian apologist, William Dembski, was going to destroy the theory of evolution. Where had this fellow been all of this time? Many of us had struggled for months to destroy evolution, and had left little impression. Was Dembski going to be different? Naturally, I hit the reply button.
The questions came easily. Exactly how was Dembski planning to perform this feat? Was he going to prove the earth was young, or present a believable old-earth viewpoint without using evolution? How and when did new creatures come into existence? I typed rapidly. I reached the end of my post, and sat back to look at what I had written. My mouth fell open. There were the same questions that atheists had been asking me, the questions that had been leaving me speechless. I had written them myself. I paused. Should I send this message? But these questions bothered me. Why not ask? I remember the fear. What would God think when he saw these questions? Would he be angry? The answer was all too obvious. How could God be upset that I wanted answers? So I hit the send button. As far as I could tell, God did not object. So I asked more questions, questions which would lead me on an amazing spiritual journey and change my entire view of religion.
Dear Christian friend, I hope this site helps you understand why I have changed my mind about Christianity. You may have heard the case for the faith, and it may seem right to you, but I will come forward and question it. Proverbs 18:17 says, "The first to plead his case seems right, until another comes and examines him." Perhaps your God would not mind if we do what this verse suggests. Perhaps we could come forward and examine the claims.
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Etiketter: Ateisme/Naturalisme | bibel | biologi/evolusjon | kreasjonisme | protestantisk/evangelistisk kristendom | skepsis | vitenskap
London may be half a world away from this obscure corner of Melanesia, but villagers say the spirit of Prince Philip is close. "We can't see him, but sometimes we hear his voice," said Chief Jack.
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Etiketter: religion
Alice in Chains - Facelift
Columbia, 1990
Alice in Chains er et band som ofte blir feilaktig plassert i grunge rock kategorien. De er fra Seattle, de gav ut albumene i den rette tidsperioden og lyrikken er om dop og depresjon, så det er forståelig at de blir sett på av mange musikalske ignoranter som et grunge band.
Men musikalsk er de uten tvil metal som bare faen. De har riktignok noen inspirasjoner fra alternative rockeband og hardcore punk slik man forventer fra et grunge band, men det er en inspirasjonskilde som kommer klarere frem enn de andre, nemmelig den fra metal gudene Black Sabbath.
Man kan ikke kalle denne musikken for noe annet enn metal. De har tunge Black Sabbath inspirerte riff, og de kan i motsetning til de andre bandene som faller under grunge kategorien faktisk spille instrumentene sine og produsere solide gitarsoloer. Jeg legger skylden på musikkjournalister med minimale metal kunnskaper for at de har fått grunge stemplet.
Som sagt er musikken sterkt inspirert av Black Sabbath. Facelift er i bunn og grunn et metal album som fikk oppmerksomhet fra et feil type publikum. Dette albumet er på mange måter et (et annerledes) 80-talls album som kom ut i 1990 i stedet for en gang på 80-tallet.
Er du ute etter et depressivt metal album for varme sommernetter der du ønsker å ta livet av deg selv er Facelift albumet for deg.
Paradigmshftr er et bråkete industrial inspirert doom band fra USA. De gav ut en demo i år og du kan høre låter fra den på deres Myspace.
Nå over til metal musikkvideoer.
Skid Row - I Remember You
Skid Row blir ofte feilaktg plassert i hard rock sjangeren på grunn av låter som denne, men de er i bunn og grunn et metal band.
Tokyo Blade - Lightning Strikes
Planet AIDS - Missa Nera
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Etiketter: metal søndag