mandag, februar 26, 2007

Prest får ikke bli Wicca prest

"I realized so many innocent people are dying again in the name of God," Larsen says. "When you think back over the Catholic-Protestant conflict, how the Jews have suffered, how some Christians justified slavery, the Crusades, and now the fighting between Shiite and Sunni Muslims, I just decided I'm done. . . . I will not be part of any church that unleashes its clergy to preach that particular individuals or faith groups are damned."
Link [via]

Det er en avsporing i fra hva artikkelen egentlig handler om men jeg ser jo at han har noen gode poenger, så kanskje jeg skulle prøve ut wicca og se om det er noe for meg. Ateismen gir meg jo ingenting, ikke engang en evighet i helvete så jeg har jo ingenting å tape her.