mandag, oktober 08, 2018

What are Judeo-Christian Values?

The period before elections for government offices in the United States of America is a fruitful time for public expressions of religiosity by the candidates. The most common form of this is utterance of the word God, which usually seems intended not to arouse religious feelings but to serve as evidence that the candidate is a theist, because being perceived as a theist is a necessary condition for election to public office in this country. The next most common expression of religiosity probably is a statement that "Judeo-Christian" values, or principles, or traditions are foundational for American society and government. This often is followed by the candidate's affirmation that he or she will strive to restore those values, which he or she may suggest have been diminished by those whose political opinions differ from his/hers.

Unfortunately, no one has the idea or the courage to ask candidates what they mean by "Judeo-Christian values." The present essay is an attempt to determine what this phrase might mean. The words imply a set of ideas common to the two religions[1], and can be analyzed by comparing their ideas about scriptures, the deity, and ethical principles.
