lørdag, juli 17, 2010

Filler From The Star Wars Timeline

As a kid, I was under the impression that in addition to scripting every line of the first nine Star Wars movies before filming A New Hope, George Lucas had fully plotted out more than thirteen billion years of the universe's history. This blew my mind.

Every time I rewatched the epic trilogy, I was amazed that it was barely a billionth of the entire experience. Somewhere in a vault I envisioned volumes of the complete Star Wars mythos, encyclopedic entries accompanied by thousands of very official sketches and blueprints.

Of course, such a thing is now readily available in the form of a 1,200 page book set and several wikis. The result? Not exactly what I was expecting. Star Wars' thirteen billion year timeline is surprisingly anemic, and most of it strikes me as filler.

These are some of the more questionable entries that I've come across. I'm sure there are plenty of nerds with free time on their hands that could spot more padding, but I actually have a life, so I was only able to dig through the timeline for seven or eight hours a day for the past week.
