søndag, mai 31, 2009

cxiam veti sur duke

"You can kill us, set us on fire, skin us, beat us and rape us, but you can never stop Duke Nukem Forever. You can drown us in shitty games with emo mutes that trapse around not having sex with anything or even being ballsy enough to saw anything or flood us with generic suit wearing gimps that fight partially inflated trash bags on mars and we will never stop. Duke Nukem Forever is coming. Mortal men may not craft him, gods might not live long enough to play him, the very universe itself may fold under his might, but he will come and there will not be a toilet big enough to park his bricks in.

You can all dance around in your ignorance, your pithy idea that mere financial mechanisms of mere men can stop him. That simply because nobody is there to craft the one true creator, the he cannot rise from his own rest is reason to assume he will never return is pure lunacy. Duke Nukem Forever is Forever. He is before, he is after and he is during, forever. Mock all you want, you could never really grasp the idea of what forever is, let along what duke himself is and you never will." - AxeManiac 5: 18


z said...


Helge said...

What are you waiting for, christmas? Wanna dance?

Duke er nødt til å skje, alt annet strider mot naturlovene slik jeg kjenner de.