tirsdag, september 11, 2007

I-Mockery Takes A Trip To Amish Country!

A week ago I went to Ohio to visit some friends, and for some reason we decided to go check out "Amish Country", a magical land of the past where people drive horses instead of cars and don't wear "the bad color" (red) because it attracts the monsters that live outside the village. I think M. Night Shamalaniatwain directed a movie about it. Realizing it could make for a good I-Mockery piece, I took a camera along and snapped many a picture while I was there. I'd like to thank my friends Mary and Bob for providing additional photos, and Rachael for letting me borrow her camera, since, much like the Amish, I fear and shun technology and do not own one myself.


Jeg skulle ha postet denne for lenge siden siden jeg er en I-Mockery fan.