lørdag, august 04, 2007

Most discussed

Brian Flemming har følgende å si:

The mainstream media is still generally terrified of religion as a serious subject. If one relied on major media outlets to gain an impression of our culture, one would get the idea that, except for a handful of cranky atheists who write books, nobody's really interested in talking about religion and its potential toxic effects.

But YouTube tells a different story. On this All Time "Most Discussed" page at YouTube, a total of six out of the 20 videos are specifically about religion.

It's really an astonishing contrast. Thirty percent of YouTube's "Most Discussed" Top Twenty focus on religion.

It gets better: Five of those six videos are strongly critical of religion, and three of them are from a specifically atheist point of view. Not a single one advocates for religion.

If I ran a television network, I'd be paying attention to this. Media companies that allow large markets to go unserved tend to lose out to smarter companies.