mandag, mai 07, 2007

Fortsatt ingen gud

Jeg nevnte for litt siden at bevisene for guds eksistens var på vei, men nå kan det se ut til at vi kan bli nødt til å vente litt til. Debatten blir ikke ofisiell før den niende men jeg har litt inside informasjon.

I am sorry to be the one to bear this bad news about last night's ABC-hosted debate. In case you were holding out hope that Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron truly would prove the existence of God, and thereby give you the ticket to heaven that until now has seemed like a ludicrous con, apparently God was not demonstrated to exist during the event.

In fact, word has it that not only did Ray Comfort fail completely in his stated goal, but also he didn't even stick to his own volunteered promises about how he was going to prove God's existence (ex.: scientifically, not using the Bible). And the audience apparently noticed. The brief report I heard suggested that the Ray and Kirk show was met with everything but cruel, mocking laughter -- and maybe even that.

Brian Flemming

På sier ryktene at de brukte en colaboks som bevis for ett designargument eller noe sånt.


Andreas said...

PZ Myers har mer:

Helge said...

Jeg så den også. Jeg lurte litt på om jeg skulle linke til PZ, Dawkins eller Flemming og endte opp med sistnevnte.

Jeg må si, sånn BTW, at Flemming sin blog er helt super. Ikke så mange poster, men de er alltid relevante og innsiktsfulle.