lørdag, februar 10, 2007

Robert FitzRoy

Vice-Admiral Robert FitzRoy (5 July 180530 April 1865) achieved lasting fame as the captain of HMS Beagle and as a pioneering meteorologist who made accurate weather forecasting a reality, also proving an able surveyor and hydrographer as well as Governor-General of New Zealand.


Litt lenger nede i artikkelen kommer det for en dag at han var en vaskekte kreasjonist som f.eks også var for slavehandel. Skikkelig kjekk artikkel som gir ett innblikk i forholdet mellom Darwin og FitzRoy.

(...)FitzRoy, while not endorsing mistreatment, assumed that well treated slaves would be happier than having to live in poverty, and recounted how an estancia owner had asked his slaves if they wished to be free, which they had answered in the negative. Darwin incautiously asked FitzRoy if he thought the answers given by slaves in the presence of their master were worth anything, at which the captain completely lost his temper and stormed out(...)

Soon after the Beagle's return on 2 October 1836, FitzRoy married a young woman with whom he had long been engaged. Darwin was amazed, as not once during the entire five years of the trip had FitzRoy spoken about being engaged.

PS Han fant også opp denne kjekke saken.