onsdag, februar 07, 2007

Crimes of Space Passion

Would you drive 900 miles, urinating in a diaper to avoid stopping, for true love? Probably not, and that is why you are not astronaut material. Astronauts are trained to go all the way, whether that be leaving the planet riding on a sustained explosion, or driving to Florida to teach a bitch a lesson. Usually they go all the way for the right reasons, such as repairing busted satellites and delivering new science modules to the International Space Station, astronaut society's secret hideout. Every so often, though, an astronaut crosses that Kármán line of morality and all hell breaks loose.
Driving 900 miles nonstop was just what astronaut Lisa Nowak did in her quest to kidnap a romantic rival. One long drive for man, one giant pants wetting leap for insanity. Rather than waste time with bathroom breaks, she peed in adult diapers along the way. This is standard during launches and reentry, where any attempts to urinate in a regular toilet would result in urine going the wrong way due to the tremendous g-forces at play. This is also standard procedure on space walks, where it would be impractical to space walk back to the shuttle or station, undress, urinate, redress, and then space walk back out. Just pee in your suit and no one's the wiser. It's the same with YMCA swimming pools, except you don't need a diaper and there's more gravity and sometimes a retarded kid approaches you in the showers and he's like "What's up?" and unfortunately it's him.


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1 Comment:

Helge said...

Penn radio hadde også ett bra program om dette.