tirsdag, oktober 31, 2006

Steve's Ultimate Monster Bash

Hey guys, it's Steve. I hope you're all having a very haunted and spooky Halloween! Halloween is by far my favorite holiday. All of the holidays are cool, I'm not going to rag on them, but Halloween just takes it to the next level. You have cool decorations like Christmas and you stuff yourself full of food like on Thanksgiving and Easter, plus you've got sweet parties and costumes. When you're a kid it's all about trick-or-treating and believe me I played my share of tricks on people.

When you get older it's more about cool Halloween parties. I've got to ask you, what party could be cooler than the ultimate Halloween party portrayed in the song "Monster Mash"? The song is basically about a scientist like Dr. Frankenstein who is working on his latest project when all of the sudden a whole bunch of monsters decide to throw an impromptu party. All the big names are there like Wolf Man and Dracula, along with ghouls and zombies who could be a lot of different people. I think the Monster Mash sounds like a totally sweet Halloween party, but I do take issue with it because there are almost no babes there. Total sausage fest and it's not like there are a lack of hot babe monsters.


Jeg hadde tenkt å poste denne dagen den kom ut, men jeg utsatte den til Halloween.
Jeg må bare si at Steve "Malak" Sumner er på vei til å bli min favoritthumorist på SA. Ikke fordi han er den morsomste, men fordi han er en så stor nerd. De andre humoristene på SA er også store nerder, men de er mer kyniske Internettnerder, mens Malak er mer gammeldags og lystig nerd. Det beste er at ingen vet om han er ironisk eller at han faktisk er så nerdete som han gir seg ut for.
Jeg håper seriøst det siste.