onsdag, mars 31, 2010

Meeting Morse

Russell Gran was walking home from the bar when it happened. He hadn't quite gotten shitfaced at Wing-Ding's, but he'd thrown back enough that his friends had guilt-tripped him into not driving. Fuckers. Now here he was, footin' it like a dick, taking a short cut across Tarnhill field. He was just thinking about how the stupid muddy ground gave the impression that he was walking upon a giant, moist turd when he saw the lights ...

... swirling, twirling, lights from above... "Sweet fuck!" Russell thought. "A spaceship!"

The spacecraft was about the size of a large house, with the shape of a fancy bar of soap. It settled on the turd-like ground directly in front of Russell. Holy shit, this was really happening! Within moments a large door on the craft slowly started to open, releasing glowing light.

The door finished opening, and a half-dozen aliens emerged. Or were they aliens? They looked human! In fact, they all looked like the same human. Male, blond-grey hair, maybe around 50 years old, and tall, 6'3" or 6'4", with a face that gave Russell kind of a creepy, dirty-cop vibe. He shuddered involuntarily, then he blinked expectantly.
